Android bugs

Below is a list of the bugs that I have encountered in the Android App.

  1. Daily goal reached message appears way too early, too late or not at all, see this thread (Seems to have been fixed.)
  2. Updates/changes to course content are not propagated (automatically) to app, see this thread
  3. Large courses cannot be downloaded (i.e. 5000 words courses)
  4. Difficult words sometimes need to be removed several times before they disappear from the list (still present in 2.94_17085, albeit - as it seems - only when unflagging during a review session)
  5. The scroll position within lists (i.e. word lists in a course) is not maintained after showing an item and then returning to the list, see this thread
  6. Courses that have been completed show as incomplete; hitting the learn-button then triggers an error, see this thread fixed with 2.94_18528 (23/02/2020)
  7. when moving between courses, hitting i.e. the repeat-button may start a session for the wrong (i.e. the previously active) course, if the user has progressed in the active course and the app needs to scroll from lesson 1 to the current/next lesson (timing problem)
  8. (related to topic above:) when hitting the repeat-button too early, the session will actually start a general repetition using ALL words instead of the words currently queued for repetition; if that happens, correct answers will score 45 points (= indicator); whatā€™s very irritating: the count of pending repetitions will not decrease in general sessions, instead youā€™ll have to do the repetitions once again for those in queue. (Seems to have been fixed.)
  9. "Learn with locals" seems to rarely appear; sometimes an error message appears when manually staring a session
  10. Images provided in an otherwise text-based course (i.e. as an additional column) donā€™t show in the app; they do show in the web-version. Example: ā€œ(une) voĆ»te en berceauā€ in this course
  11. repetition session: the score is sometimes hidden; this applies to the score for a single task as well as to the overall score fixed
  12. repetition sessions: the ā€˜canā€™t listen right nowā€™ button isnā€™t shown at times (speaker button at the top right of the window) fixed
  13. Score tables: the column headers and controls are hidden; they (most of all times) are only shown when scrolling to the top of the list (iā€¦e #1) (Seems to have been fixed.)
  14. Previously, the button underneath a task initially, read Skip, this is no longer the case - the button now always reads Continue and appears to be disabled - which it is not. Very much worse is the fact that, if the user skips the task, the correct solution is not being shown (see this posting) (Seems to have been fixed.)
  15. With longer phrases (word order puzzles), the words may end up underneath the words that have already been added to the phrase, making it impossible to see the remaining words and difficult to touch on the tiny bit that is visible without removing previous words; see this posting
  16. Audio not working at times during review: sometimes (donā€™t see any obvious pattern), there is no audio during review sessions. Notable: the sound you get when you correctly answered a question is still being played. It seems that, when this happens, providing a wrong answer seems to re-activate audio. Seems to have been fixed.
  17. Menu button missing: with the latest app update (layout changes, 12/04/2019), the menu button is gone. This applies to i. e. the top left of the main screen (tap to select the current course) and the leaderboard lists (tap to choose from week/month/all time). This change was intentional; the menu-button in leaderboards is somtimes (!) still missing though.
  18. The device keyboard is turned off between questions. If you brought up the device keyboard during review, difficult words, etc., it stayed active until you explicitly turned it off. Now (12/04/19) it will always be turned off between questions.
  19. Difficult words may not be added to or removed from the list of difficult words if flagged as such during a (speed) review session (see this thread) fixed with 2.94_17085 (14/12/2019)
  20. While, during a review session, an audio test comes up, the audio only plays once and can not be repeated, so you either have to guess or turn off audio tests fixed
  21. Leaderboards within courses always throw an error when accessed; the board appears when reloading via tapping the reload icon underneath the error message fixed with 2.94_17085 (14/12/2019)
  22. The count of words up for repetition is broken, see this thread. fixed with version 2.94_17117 (06/12/2019)
  23. When using Dark Mode, additional info (as available after tapping the plus-button) is not being displayed (Fixed.)
  24. The overall count of words learned differs between the data as shown in the profile vs. the one shown when tapping your user on a leaderboard (see further down here in this thread)
  25. Learning sessions with 7 words are not working properly, see this post further down
  26. Sometimes, the initial presentation of a new word is being skipped, i. e. the first time the new word shows up is a quiz question instead.
  27. When logging off and then back on (i. e. to refresh courses) youā€™ll have to change a few settings repeatedly before your settings are considered. This applies to settings such as the number of words in review sessions and the number of words to be learned.
  28. The level/rank display in the leaderboard is wrong, see this posting. (Fixed.)
  29. The app lags resp. is very slow at times; sometimes, a restart of the app or even the device is required in order to get to a courseā€™s chapter list (see this posting and the ones below) fixed
  30. In community courses, audio is often not played when a new word is being introduced during a learning session.

It would be nice to get a statement from you: @MemriseSupport, @MemriseMatty, @Joshua


Thanks for the list. I confirm most of it.

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I know all of these bugs, can even think of more. But these are the most annoying. Thanks for making this list.

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I presume that you guys have seen the thread as you answered in other threads. Could you please comment on the list, @MemriseSupport, @MemriseMatty, @Joshua?

Have you mentioned:

When wanting to tap ā€˜next wordā€™, it can be hidden by those chosen so far making it impossible to solve!

Iā€™m not sure I understand what youā€™re referring to. Can you elaborate please?

Many thanks - We have passed this list on to our QA and Android teams.



I mentioned this on another thread, this is an image of what @DW7 is talking about.

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Cheers, Iā€™ve added it to the original posting as #15. Iā€™ve also added #14.

No longer possible to create mems on the android app? I am trying to make a correction on a course error to warn other users.

Hi @FishSlap - thanks for the illustration.

is there a Forum or Contributor supporting the course you refer to?

I was referring to official MemRise courses but the same problem can occur in other courses.

Excellent list and I concur on all of them!!!

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Iā€™ve just added #16 to the list (audio sometimes not playing during review).

@MemriseSupport, @MemriseMatty, @Joshua: does it even make sense to update the bug-list? I assume that you guys are working on Decks and, possibly, a major/fundamental change to the app in general.

FWIW, with the updates introduced after the last several months, the only new feature Iā€™ve seen was the new video layout. The only fix Iā€™ve seen was where a memā€™s author was corrected (a HTML/XML tag was obviously missing). Other than that it seems that every update (there were at least two over the last few days) only introduces new problems which really is a shame.


Hi @Olaf.Rabbachin - Iā€™m tagging our QA Lead @JBorrego who can hopefully shed some light on these bugs.


Cheers, Matty!

Speed review bug: sometimes if you making a mistake/running out of time during speed review session, then you are jumping through the following word straight to the one after that (say, mistake is on a word number 5 and instead of 6 you are going to a word number 7). Subsequently emerging another bug, because you have 101 words in such speed review session, but not 100.

New app version, new problems.
@MemriseMatty, @MemriseSupport, @Joshua: it seems that you have missed to provide an image for the menu icon (three horizontal lines) in your new layout. See item #17 in the original posting (just added).

Also, the deviceā€™s keyboard will always be turned off between questions. Thatā€™s a very nasty one as I use the keyboard all the time, now I have to always tap the keyboard icon on the top to bring the device keyboard up, this is more than another simple nuisance but a major PITA! (See #18).


Hey thanks for the tag.

Regarding #17, youā€™ll now have to tap on the flag next to the title of the course youā€™re learning to open the list of languages you are enrolled in.

About #18, Iā€™m not quite sure if this change was intention or not. Would it be possible to send in a recording so I can send this to the QA team for further investigation?


So was this change intentional? Because often tapping the flag gets you to that course homepage instead of to the courses list.

Yeah, this is an intentional change.

You can still access that screen by tapping the course title.