Four times I’ve run into the problem of completed courses not being market as complete. And it’s not always just a discrepancy of 1 word. In one case there’s a discrepancy of as many as 7 words, plus the discrepancy can be to either side of the total number of words (ie. it’s not only the numerator that is less than the denominator, but also the inverse). The problem can show up in both the web version (Chrome) and app (Android) for each completed course:
– 437/444 words learned (0 ignored words)
– Web: Incomplete (in learn mode, but cannot load session)
– App: Incomplete (in learn mode, but cannot load session)
In this course, levels 2, 4, 6, 9 are missing in the web version (seem to have previously existing but now been deleted). In the app, the level numbers have been reordered so that no “gaps” show up (ie. highest level number is 17 in the web version, but only 13 in the app). No “multimedia” levels.
– 898/899 words learned (0 ignored words)
– Web: Incomplete (in learn mode, but cannot load session)
– App: Incomplete (in learn mode, but cannot load session)
This course contains 2 “multimedia” levels (which only show up in the web version): Level 1 which is simply a credits text without any words to learn + Level 25 which is also just text without any words to learn.
– 965/964 words learned (0 ignored words)
– Web: Complete
– App: Complete
This course is marked as completed in both the app and the web version - but only very recently for some reason. And still, the numerator for learned words is strangely larger than the denominator. The course has the same number of levels in both the web version and in the app. No “multimedia” levels.
– 80/79 words learned (0 ignored words)
– Web: Complete
– App: Incomplete (and not even in learn mode)
Again, the numerator is larger than the denominator. Level 1 is a “multimedia” level without any words to learn, only a link to a Youtube video. The level only shows up in the web version, and the remaining levels have been renumbered in the app.
To me, there is no clear pattern, as the discrepancy is to both sides of the total number of words. Plus, the discrepancy can be more than 1 word, and learn mode can both be broken or not even showing up when the course is marked as incomplete. Lastly, “multimedia” levels don’t need to be present for the problem to occur, and both the web version and the app can be affected.
Ignored words seem to have nothing to do with it, as I’ve previously un-ignored words with no effect. Ignoring words merely changes the number of total and learned words accordingly. Likewise, uninstalling and reinstalling the app does nothing.
What @Ieuan_ab_Arthur says is something I’ve seen others hint at elsewhere. Perhaps these problems have to do with course rearrangements (deletions/additions/spelling corrections etc.) after initial publication? Or bugs due to “transmission errors” when updating?
Like @Nate022, I also don’t find this to be simply a “cosmetic bug”. And I also find it interesting (amusing?) that the course with the largest discrepancy of 7 words is actually an official Memrise course.
Something being done about this clearly frequent issue seems way more important than actual cosmetic changes. Especially for those of us who are paying for this buggy experience.