Always showing the same picture in photo-based courses

Hey, I’d like to talk about an issue that I experienced these last few weeks, in photo-based courses, during reviews. Despite being linked to many photos, the words that I’m tested on appear always with the same picture out of the few that are existing. This problem doesn’t come from one course in particular, because it affects all the courses that I’m learning.
I thought that it was maybe due to the scripts that I was using (Time Disabler, Turbo, All Typing) but disabling them doesn’t seem to change anything.
Does anyone know a way to fix that ? I feel like I’m not learning well enough the words, being showed only one image for each one of them.

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I tried with different browsers, with my phone, after clearing cookies but none of these changed anything. It seems to have something to do with the website itself. No one else is encountering this problem ? I’m feeling a bit lonely here…

Hi @fissa,

Could you provide links to a couple of the courses and I’ll see if I get the same problem?

In order to show that it isn’t related only to my courses, I give you the link of a popular one

Hi @fissa,

Yes. I see what you mean. I’ve just tried that course and had the same problem. I could only view the alternative images by using the left and right arrows (when they are presented) - but, the image I was initially presented with for a review was always the same one.

For comparison, I have also just checked this course of mine and a similar problem happens!

It used to be the case that each time you were presented with an item that had more than one image associated with it, you would be shown a different image and, if I remember correctly, you only saw the left and right arrows in the learning phase (and, possibly, following an incorrect answer during a review).

However, something happened (ie changes made by the Memrise Team) back in August which caused a wide range of issues, including a problem with the display of images in picture courses. It was discussed in this other forum thread: Review broken again?, where post numbers 107, 115, 133, 135, 136, 137, 140, 142, 169, 172, 173, and 185 relate to this particular problem. I thought it had been fixed but it seems I was wrong.

@BeaTrisy - You may remember this issue. Could you take another look at it for us please? It may be affecting all image-based, user-created courses. The fix deployed in September hasn’t solved the problem. There seem to be two main issues:

  1. Where an item has multiple images associated, we are now only being presented with one of them, ie always the same image. Previously, the programme used to present a different image each time (I think by just selecting from the associated images in rotation). That made the review process more challenging and more interesting.

  2. Previously, the left and right arrows were not displayed during reviews but since the ‘fix’ they appear every time an image is displayed. This now means that you are able to scroll through the images during a review, thereby making the test easier. That’s not the way it used to be and IMO should revert to the previous arrangement.


@fissa - Thanks for raising this. I think you are right that there is nothing we as users can do to fix this. We are in the Memrise Team’s hands.

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Hi all,

We’ve just released a fix for this bug. You might have to give your browser a quick refresh for the fix to take effect.

Thank you for bringing this up and happy learning.


Hi @BeaTrisy,

Thanks! Have checked it out on two of my courses and it’s working well again. :heart_eyes:

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That was quick ! Thanks a lot :sunglasses:

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I’m new here and I’m trying to make my first image course.

I also have a problem with photos not appearing randomly

first trial: if I upload one image in the “word” column and 10 in the “image” column I created, then only the image from “word” will appear in the questions of the test

second trial: if I upload 10 images in the word column and no image column added, when a text is displayed asking to pick up one of the 4 pictures, those pictures are always the same ones, always the first one of the list I uploaded but when the course show one picture and ask to pick up the correct name then this pictures is displayed randomly which is a advantage.

thank’s for your help


sorry for my english, not my first language.


Sorry to hear that you are still having a problem.

I have just checked one of my image courses (A World Geography) and ran a test on one level by repeating a forced review. The second and third review offered me different images, as it should do if it’s working properly.

What settings have you used for your course? I have a column which I call “Word”, which is the name of the item (for example the country name) and a column which I call “Definition”, which is the picture column, which has 1 to 4 images uploaded for each item.

I have the “Testing Direction” set as: "Test on ‘Word’, Prompt with ‘Definition’.

thank you alanh,
I’m confused because when I start a new course I also have those two columns “word” and “definition” but I can’t upload pictures in “definition” and I must upload something in “word” other wise I end up with the error message ““Whoops could not load session sorry””.
so I have my bird name in definition and pictures in both word and image columns.
I must have missed something…
I also have the “Testing Direction” set as: "Test on ‘Word’, Prompt with ‘Definition’.

I have replied by PM.

Hello all,
I have just made a color test to learn blue, green, purple, red and yellow
I have used pictures with number, blue 1, blue 2 etc
I uploaded 10 pictures for each color to see if they come up randomly, here is what happens:
for example in the blue pictures the number 4 came up 15 times,


is there any hope to get it more random than this?

all the best

I’ve suggested on this forum before that the random generator is not always very random. Thanks for this scientificish report.

Hi @BeaTrisy and others, I think this is the same issue I reported but has not been spotted: Same image shown continually on web (during reviewing) despite multiple images available

" On courses that have multiple images, when one is shown an image [eg painting] and one has to answer with the right pairing (selected or typed) [eg artist] one is shown one of the several images available - ie a different one each time.

However I have noticed that when reversing the process, ie shown the answer [eg the painter] and asked to select the correct painting from four, the artist’s painting is always the same one - the first one that is shown when looking at the level. (However if you preview the level you will be able to see several paintings.) "