[Course Forum] "A World Geography (with AUDIO)" by alanh


Hi Amedeo,

Thanks for your post.

The course currently has three image files for San Marino (in Level 6). Here they are:

Is it the third one you think may be wrong? I sourced that one from the Wikipedia entry: San Marino - Wikipedia

I think the positioning looks similar in all three. What do you think, now that you can see all three together? The small image size we see in the actual course can sometimes make a difference.

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hello alanh, yes it-s the third image! I had to screenshot it before bothering you. In fact I see now your explanation is correct, the small image made me confused. Now I see the green point is in the right place and I anm wrong
. Sorry for bothering! Have a good one.

No problem, Amedeo. If I can find a clearer (usable) image, sometime, I’ll replace that one.

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I love Memrise and love this geography course.
Thank you so much for putting it together.

QUES: I try to pick the map I want to use so I can see the
country, but it never stays on the that same map. It uses a
different map when it asks which country it is. Some of the
maps are hard to see the country. How can I keep the same
map throughout the course? (the bigger scale maps)

SUDAN: Sudan is now Sudan and South Sudan. (2011)

Thank you, Alanh

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Hi @MeenaP,

Thanks for posting. I decided to have 2 or 3 different images for most items in the course to make things more interesting instead of just ‘learning the image’.

If you are using the web version of Memrise, there is no way to choose and keep one preferred map. During the learning/planting or preview phases it lets you scroll through the available images using the left and right arrows but, during reviews, it just shows one of the images. Where there are 2 or 3 available images, it just scrolls to the next one in the ‘queue’.

If you are using the app version, though, it only ever shows one map. I think it’s always the one that was uploaded first.

Can you let me know when you come across a map/image that is causing a problem and I will see if I can find a better one? It will not be possible though for some of the smaller countries/territories, for example the Pacific island nations and Caribbean island countries. I’m always happy to try to improve the course where I can.

Thanks again!

Oh, by the way, Sudan is in Level 3 and South Sudan is in Level 11.

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Since ‘Buggy Monday’ this week, you will have noticed that images are not displaying correctly in review mode.

At first, the bug caused the image’s url to display instead of the image itself. In fixing this bug, something went wrong and, although a single image now displays, it is currently not possible to scroll through the images using the left and right arrows.

The Memrise guys are on the case and I hope they will find a fix soon. The issue is discussed in this other thread: Review broken again? at post nos 107, 115, 134, 137, 141 and 142. [Update: This bug was fixed via a different forum topic a short time ago and seems to be holding up ok - see Always showing the same picture in photo-based courses]

Hi @alanh, sorry to be a little pedantic about your excellent map course (which I am enjoying, but one of your maps for Cyprus (the blue one) only shows SOUTHERN Cyprus in red so I entered “southern Cyprus” and got it wrong.


I raise this because there is another course I am doing that actually has two entries for Cyprus (Southern and Northern).

Could you either colour the whole of Cyprus red or delete that image? (Or give southern Cyprus as a hidden alternative), please?

Many thanks.

Hi DW7,

Glad you’re enjoying the course.

Just to clarify, there are also two entries covering the island of Cyprus in my course. “Cyprus” (the Republic of Cyprus) is in Level 3 and “Northern Cyprus” (referring to the self-declared state of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus) is in Level 1. As there is no country or state of ‘Southern Cyprus’, I would prefer not to add it as an alt (even a hidden one).

If you keep in mind that the selected images for both entries either indicate by means of the highlighted area which country/state they depict, or show the whole island (and can’t therefore be “Northern Cyprus”) all should be well. I’ll therefore leave things as they are for now.

Thanks for raising this.

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Thanks for the explanation Alanh (my mistake calling it "Southern Cyprus).
Yes this was in level 3. I had forgotten that in Level 1 there was “Northern Cyprus”.

So are you saying “Cyprus” is the southern bit (not the whole island - my confusion)?

So the map I showed above is correctly the larger southern bit.

However the alternate maps are not clear eg:

All Cyprus

looks like the whole island.

So perhaps both the whole island and the southern (ie non “Northern Cyprus” bit) can be called Cyprus? Is that correct? (Anyway there is talk of re-uniting! )

Interesting learning things!


Yes, you’ve got it. It’s the whole island but…

Maybe this extract helps to explain it:

“The Republic of Cyprus has de jure sovereignty over the entire island, including its territorial waters and exclusive economic zone, with the exception of the Sovereign Base Areas of Akrotiri and Dhekelia, which remain under British control according to the London and Zürich Agreements. However, the Republic of Cyprus is de facto partitioned into two main parts: the area under the effective control of the Republic, located in the south and west, and comprising about 59% of the island’s area; and the north,administered by the self-declared Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, covering about 36% of the island’s area. Another nearly 4% of the island’s area is covered by the UN buffer zone. The international community considers the northern part of the island as territory of the Republic of Cyprus occupied by Turkish forces. The occupation is viewed as illegal under international law, amounting to illegal occupation of EU territory since Cyprus became a member of the European Union.”

I think that the images for both items are ok but I’ll keep them under review.

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Thank you @alanh for taking the time to explain.

Almost makes me think there shouldn’t be a “Northern Cyprus” entry according to

The international community considers the northern part of the island as territory of the Republic of Cyprus occupied by Turkish forces.

Still I have learnt something and I am not going to make the mistake and answer “Southern Cyprus” any more :wink:

The course includes a number of disputed territories/regions. It’s good to know where they are. :smile:

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Hi @alanh, can you check the second map for the Bahamas please, as it is showing a blank and just tested me on a blank.

I have fast broad-band but I know the MemRise site can be slow.

Just been asked to identify the Bahamas from four maps and three of which are blank!
I think something else must be going on today.


First Mauritania is also blank - there must be an issue. I’ll reboot!


Hi @DW7,

I have checked and can confirm that all of the images are still in place. I seem to remember something similar happening with other courses from time to time. A forum search may help track down what was said last time.

I’ve run a few level reviews on both the web and app versions and there were no problems - although I wasn’t presented with any ‘multiple choice image’ questions.

I’ll keep under review but it seems to be a ‘Memrise’ bug, not a ‘course bug’.

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Thanks Alan, I’ve just rebooted and doing a “preview” (and used the right arrow to look at the other images) and I still have the same problem. Very odd! Think I’ll check some tried and tested courses later today.

Easier than that, I have just gone back a level and done a preview and maps are now missing that weren’t before!

So I think it may be (???) the latest version of Ghostery I use to block adverts and tracking may be stopping a certain format that it doesn’t like - perhaps?

More work for me to unravel!


Ha! It sounds like you may have isolated your issue. It should be possible to do something in the ‘options’ in your ad blocker.

I’m not seeing any blanks. Using “Preview” and the right arrow on a variety of levels just scrolls through the different images as it should do.

Have fun! :grinning:

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Yes! (fun - no!).
I’ll let you know when it’s solved (hopefully) and then delete all these misleading posts for you.

Many thanks for your replies and help.


You can leave them up. You never know, someone else may have a similar issue one day and could find your solution via the search function.

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I have tried accepting various trackers on GHOSTERY but to no avail BUT when I trusted the site, it worked (eg showing the green map of Cyprus). (It always showed the other two!)

This was the same on similar courses of mine - so still a mystery but solved!

@alanh I was just wondering how did you get your course to display the pronunciation when I have answered the question.
Sorry to bother you, just trying to create a course of my own.

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