A new web dashboard is now available in Alpha!

Hi folks :wave:,

Thank you so much for the feedback! Over the last few days we have rolled out a few improvements:

  • The category filter is now scrollable, which fixes the issue reported by @Vikestart (Thank you!) where users would have to zoom if they were enrolled in courses across several categories
  • We’ve added tooltips across the experience
  • The card centre status is now kept as per your latest action - this means that if you open it, it will remain open even when go elsewhere in the Memrise product experience or close your browser

We’ll continue to rollout out improvements and will keep you up to date!


Sorry, team, but Alpha is terrible for users with more than 3 courses learning The letters are HUGE, the white space is engulfing, the dashboard is really hard to navigate - no filters, not way of grouping the courses according to subjects, no teaching tab. In general, a huge pain for the eyes and brain.

I’ve been on memrise for 8-9 years now, and this is the worst… (not that beta would be a charm)

I am sticking with the standard plus userscripts, in the hope that memrise does not ruin again completely my learning experience

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Hi Memrise team,
I’ve a few comments on the Alpha

  1. I follow multiple courses and with this view it’s hard to use the same approach I had with the previous layout. For a certain argument (eg. Portuguese), I use the review function that picks from all the courses completed or not, and then I exercise on the incomplete to reach the daily goal. This requires multiple back and forth from the Filter menu
  2. After completing the review of a Language across all the courses, it goes back to the main page. Why? I think , it should be more logic to stay on the same topic
  3. on a PC with a large screen, the review button is in the corner far from the courses. If you’re suggesting me to review those words why it’s not clearly visible
  4. Statistics has never been a strong point. I like the bar popping up from the right. Why don’t you put context based statistics such as a small chart with # of words learned in the last X months compared to the avg active user or fail / success ratio or other fun facts?
  5. the message on the top right just below the Alpha. That states what I am doing. Fine. Why not make it a selection place: most recent, to be completed today, most frequent. Max 5 choices


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The two main beefs I have:

  1. The review button is no longer at the top of the screen. “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it,” comes to mind. Tucked away in the lower left corner doesn’t make much sense to me, but hey.

  2. The dashboard doesn’t seem to remember which course I left open from my last log in, a problem that never existed before.

If I can think of any more complaints, I know where to go.

Thanks for all you do.


Hi @luis_memrise, thanks for making a start on these, (especially for the wider format, the scrolling list and hover words when one goes to category - but words there always would be good) but I’m not sure you’ve seen all the points I raised ► above ◄.

Here’s a new one.


On my home page (aka Dashboard) I could normally keep that tab open and Control + Click to open a course in a new tab.

Now it only opens it in the same tab - which is a disadvantage.


While I do like the nice, cleaner design and how everything is so much bigger (which might prove to be especially helpful with Arabic script), this is absolutely horrible for a power user. Over the course of several years, I’ve made dozens of courses and randomly revisit them from time to time when needed. To have to click through a set of four or five per page to get to the ones at the bottom would be even more annoying than pop-up advertisements.

HOWEVER, the good news is that, I don’t have to click, page by page, through the courses. I can just scroll down as I’ve done in the past. (When I’m super organized and using Memrise a lot, I actually bookmark my courses and/or create a spreadsheet with links for them, so even if I couldn’t do this there would have been workarounds.) UNFORTUNATELY, as someone has already mentioned, I now have no way of finding just those courses I’ve created. The list of courses included everything I’ve sampled even once (and I’ve sampled A LOT of courses). This is so unworkable for me that I’ve decided to go back to the version before beta. Oh, well. I have faith that the Memrise Team will take our criticisms into account and work toward a solution that satisfies us all.

Keep up the good work Memrise Team. I love how you are always seeking self-improvement! Just like the millions of people who benefit from the wonderful language platform you have created. Thank you for all that you’ve done and will continue to do in the future!

I don’t mind the beta version, but it isn’t without its flaws. Nevertheless, I haven’t fully explored this new alpha version and I appreciate your post because now I’ve been warned instead of unpleasantly surprised! The one thing I really thought was flawed about the beta version was the ability to make corrections to my course. I try to create as perfect a course as I can from the outset, but, occasionally, I notice an error and want to go and fix it. It was super easy to do that with the old Memrise, but really clunky and cumbersome to do it in the beta version. Does anyone know what I’m referring to here?

Loved your post. You make many good points. I’ve already addressed (agreed with) some of them in other posts in this thread, so I won’t repeat myself here. However, you bring up an interesting point — more meaningful statistics. I couldn’t agree with you more. I’d love it if Memrise had “frequency” courses — courses ordered by frequency in some standard corpora for a language — and then provided statistics by 1,000 words and then allowed you to choose which set of 1,000 — 1st, 2nd, 3rd, … — to work on. Most of us don’t have time to study languages as much as we would like to, so developing ways to make it as efficient as possible with specific, objective feedback, is really important for serious language learners.

Having said all of that, I am now looking at the new learning stats page and I must say that I love it. I love knowing which day of the week I tend to learn most often and which time of day I tend to learn best. Knowing which course(s) I’ve spent the most time on and how much time I’ve spent on them is also really helpful. Please don’t ever remove these features!

Two ways: in the beta, you’ll find the same filter controls as before on the top right, that little greenish button that looks like a watch (only Memrise will know why it seemed logical to them to make it look like that!).
And apart from that, you can always look up the courses that appear on your teaching page (albeit these might leave out the ones that aren’t public - I’m not sure)


Agreed @Olaf.Rabbachin and I search by “DW7”.
(I often add “This course is now supported by DW7” in the long [web] description which then finds all the courses I support.)


The Memrise Alpha is terrible! The features and appearance in the previous version are informative and better. I have revert to the previous version after facing several issues. Please don’t make this unhelpful and not practical new design as in Alpha. Thank you.

I ended up adapting by loading all courses in one tab, and opening every course as I go up in a new tab. This way I don’t have to wait for everything to load every time I finish a course, which is slow.
Still not ideal, because it’s a little hard to tell which courses are completed, and I can miss one if I’m not paying attention.

Hello again :wave:,

We’re continuously monitoring your feedback and rolling out improvements. In the last few days we’ve added the following:

  • The Category filter is now sorted in alphabetical order - cc @duaal
  • You can now open a course in a new tab from the Dashboard (Control + Click) - cc @DW7
  • We’ve improved the UI to make it clearer at a glance what courses are complete

  • For taller screens, the dashboard will loads more courses automatically cc @Vikestart
  • We’ll also show you on the dashboard if your experience is being affected because your internet connection is down

We’ll continue to rollout out improvements and will keep you up to date!


I do think it’s an improvement to now be able to better distinguish finished courses from ongoing ones. But why of all things does it have to be an overlay that renders the course “icon” completely irrecognizable. Also, the overlay makes all courses’ icons look pretty much the same.

BTW, what’s so wrong about utilizing colors (I’m not the only one who suggested this several times, with not a single comment as to why you think this would be a bad idea)?

Also, it would help to better see which courses need to be worked on in order to keep a streak. Currently, the only means is the dial that is drawn around the “rocket”.


I agree with Olaf’s points, particulary in respect of the overlay on the course icon.

On a separate point, do you have any plans to rationalize the imagery? The close proximity of the unrelated watering can and the space rocket draws attention to the fact that you are continuing to use icons from two very different earlier versions of Memrise. Not only does it look weird but it must be confusing for anyone who has not been learning with Memrise since the days of the flower garden and then ‘Ziggy’.


You can now open a course in a new tab from the Dashboard (Control + Click) - cc DW7

We’ll continue to rollout out improvements and will keep you up to date!

Brilliant, many thanks @luis_memrise

PS, I agree about the overlay with a tick hides the course icon, the mixed themes and generally it would be great to have different colours for watering and planting (I’ve been caught out in the past).


This might be above you guys or too big an ask with so many logistics, but Memrise Forums are SOOO underused! I think it would really benefit from having the forums readily available from the Memrise homepage. Maybe if it was a bit like…D… Duo…lingo (vomit in my mouth), where it was visible as a whole tab at the top of the menu or some sort of chat bubble icon that people could click on to get here. This is cause, frankly, I think most users don’t even know there is a Memrise forum, and by adding it to the homepage, I guess you can pass it off like it is a “new feature” or something. Idk. Just my thoughts!


I guess part of the problem is that a lot of Memrise users use the app version, which only links to the forum from within the depths of the “Help” section. At least the web version has a forum link at the foot of the Dashboard (Main Homepage) and at the foot of each course homepage/Level page - although users need to scroll down to see it.

Only around 21,700 people have joined the forum since it was formed some 5 years ago and there have only been 600 active users on the forum in the last 30 days (which is fairly typical). Certainly, giving the link more prominence would help boost the numbers. It would have my support.


I agree with you both - the Forum needs to be made known.

Perhaps when people sign up or a mass emailing as well as a prominent link.

That’s very interesting statistics you found @alanh.


Thanks! This is great news. I think this control panel will make the site much more convenient and pleasant to use. For me personally, aesthetics are also important. I recently started doing web design and I often visit Master Bundles There are many interesting ideas for creating designs for social networks here. I am constantly learning about trends in logos, backgrounds, colors, and more. For me, this is actually very useful and valuable information.

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