A general chat topic for English

I would like to talk to some one every day in English, but like you say there isn’t really a general chat topic, at least I couldn’t find it. What language are you learning?

… I learn Mandarin Chinese, Indonesian, some Spanish, Portuguese, Hindi, Farsi and Pali… trying not to forget completely Dutch, Japanese and Italian (and Spanish)

[email protected] wrote:

Hi @Petri_Wilson72!

This thread is for practicing English. Feel free to tag anyone you need to chat with

Thank you. I must have overlooked it, because I couldn’t find it. That’s because I’m such a mudle head you know.
I wish everyone a very nice weekend. :relaxed:


Don’t worry, Atikker only opened this new topic yesterday so that the other topic wouldn’t stray from its original subject. So you are not a “muddle head” [notice the double “d”] at all. :grin:

You can attract the attention of any user who you would like to ‘chat’ with on this forum by placing a “@” immediately in front of their username (tagging). Their username will then display highlighted in grey and they will then get an e-mail from Memrise to inform them so they can come to the forum to reply.

I am a native English speaker. Feel free to tag me, either in this topic or in the forum’s private message facility, if you want to ask anything or to have a quick ‘chat’ anytime. I will not be offended if you choose not to, though. :relaxed:

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actually you do not have to come this forum at all to reply… you just reply to your email and it will appear here with a tiny envelope icon on up-right corner

I just made it for you… I think there wasn’t a one before

So @Petri_Wilson72 … How long have you studied English?

Hi @Atikker,

I hope all is well with you.

Yes. You are right, of course. That’s a good way if you are already in a dialogue with someone. I just find using the “View Topic” link useful if I haven’t posted in that topic before or if I want to quote something, insert a link or an image or something.

Have a great weekend. It’s a lovely sunny Spring day here! :smiley:

all is great…Thank

I understand. I find it much easier to reply while on-the-go. If I need to
quote something it just have to wait while I get by the computer or have
more time nibbling the phone

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Great phrase! :laughing:

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@alanh Thanks for your warm response and explanation. Great that Atikker has done this, because sometimes I do like to chat with someone, so thanks for your offer and please keep correcting me :rofl:. It is lovely weather here at the moment and I do hope that you are also enjoying some sunshine. Till next time. :raised_hand_with_fingers_splayed:

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@Atikker You have done a great thing, by opening this topic and I am glad that my head isn’t that muddled, :blush:
You asked me about my English. Well to be honest like everyone in the Netherlands we do get English at school, but that is a very long time ago​:thinking:. In them days I was pretty good with it, better than German or French. But…24 years ago I married an Englishman. In the very beginning we spoke most of the time English of course, but after a year my husband could speak Dutch very well, and everyone could understand him. Now-a-days we only speak English when we visit his family or they visit us. It happens quite often that I start stummering because my English has become rusty, so that’s why I started here a few weeks ago and I also study at the Duolingo site. That is my story so far. Till next time :raised_hand_with_fingers_splayed:


I think it should be … in those days (I’m not a native speaker)

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@Atikker Oops, my huyssie says that one can use it but indeed is it not propper English. (He is from Liverpool, so a scouser. If they talk with eachother I cann’t understand one word, hihi)

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Have a nice day! I don’t like Mondays, but well soon it will be Tuesday:relaxed:

only 12 hours and 12 minutes more

10.04.2017 11:46 kirjutas kuupäeval “Petri Wilson72” <
[email protected]>:

Indeed. What is the weather like where you live? Yesterday it was lovely, but today it is really coolish, :panda_face:

I am wondering, why you asked me about my English???:thinking:

Good morning, you two!

Mondays are the start of a new Memrise week. Just think of how many new words and phrases you are going to learn today…and then it will be Tuesday soon enough. :grin:

Goede morgen alleen. Je geeft me een goed raad, maar laat ik nu kramp in mijn hand hebben. Misschien ga ik later nog even wat doen.