Memrise chatbots - is this real?

Whoever it was on Duolingo that called the Memrise “Mission” game a chatbot was being overly generous, in my opinion.

Having looked at the link that MemriseMatty posted, it appears that these “missions” are just a cartoon character, set into the backdrop of a story, prompting you for a series of pat answers in a standard tapping test.

There is no natural language processing going on, nor any of the free-form interactivity that characterizes and defines a chatbot. It doesn’t even come anywhere near the sophistication level of the ancient text-based interactive adventure game Zork, written 40 years ago on the DEC PDP-10.


After almost completing the old German A1 course, I thought I’d start the new German one to try out the new missions. I like the missions idea to start with but finding it increasingly tedious having to start from the beginning each time I make a mistake. Being marked wrong for answer which I feel is appropriate doesn’t help. E.g. If “he” talks about something to eat and I reply “thanks, I am hungry” is this so wrong?

Could be linked to the Android version ? I went from German 1 to 5 without seeing it. I have a rather old version.

So why can’t I access them from Danish?

@WildSage Please make sure you have the latest version of the Android or iOS App. Please also make sure you are connected to the internet, and have completed the first 3 levels on Danish 1.

Is it only for Android 7?

I finished Danish 1

Can you please tell us @MemriseMatty which Android version is minimum? 5.1, 6.0 or better?

What if we are past level 4, do we still get the mission ? Also, As I seem to understand from the other thread, are they only available on English (UK) speaking courses?

Can you make sure you are learning Danish 1 for English speakers (

We also offer Danish 1 (US) which does not have Missions active (

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The minimum to run Memrise on Android is version 4 (Ice scream sandwich). If you have version 4 and above, the latest version of the Android app, and still cannot see Missions, please provide a full-page screenshot showing Level 4 of German 1 after completing the steps in this article:

Please also make sure you connected to the internet (as Missions will not load during offline mode) :slight_smile:

Thank you @MemriseMatty, but as I am on the French speakers course I guess it does not apply there.
But I have a 4.0.3 Android version, so I know that I could switch to the English UK speakers course if I want to have access to them.

I was referring to the Danish for English course.

Hi! I went through the German 4 level for English speakers, only doing the introduction chat. Nothing since and I finished level 5.
Could something be wrong because I ignored large numbers of words?

@Hydroptere I just read it and had a big laugh. Thanks for charing this:grinning:

well, glad I made at least one person smile :grin:

(I find it anyhow … “funny,” that people don’t find means and purpose anymore in speaking with other people, reading etc… if one learns a language in order to communicate with a bot, then what is the purpose of the whole enterprise… )

2 posts were split to a new topic: A general chat topic for English

Hey gals, I am looking forward to read an answer to my question, so go and chat, with each other, on another patch, please.

And a practice with a chat bot does not hurt, it’s a first step for some. I speak with German people most days, but am very curious to have this experience with the chat bot.

hi @sircemloud

I have 2 chatbots on German 1. One at level 2 and other at lvl 5.

@MemriseMatty Now that they seem to kind of work, can you explain to me why the first mission asks gender then in the following mission uses the pronoun he to refer to me?

I found it strange also, but as I am Max Percy, then it must be so, I
guess. It’s also strange to always remember I’m not female

You know in one of the courses the bot asked if I was blonde or dark-haired
instead of asking if I were female or male.

so I’m waiting an official answer also

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I’ll have a look if I have them too.