8,000+ Most Common Words - quality of audio files - HELP WANTED!

Hi there fellow memrisers,

At the moment I am going through the audio files in the first part of the 8,000+ Most Common Swedish Words course and filling in the gaps where I can and, if not, putting in a request with a nice Swedish man who uploads audio for forvo.com :slight_smile:

So, with any luck, every single word or expression used on the first part of the course will have an audio file attached.

BUT, I still need your help because I would like to replace the much-too-loud audio files which I know appear now and then. Perhaps you could help me and let me know what they are. It is usually a guy who speaks very slowly and loudly, but there is a woman, too, who speaks a bit too loudly as well. At any rate, if you could list the loud words here, that would be great!


@peter_armani @daisywreath @WildSage

I hope you can help!

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Of course, more than happy to!
What do you want me to do?

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If there are any particularly loud audio files you come across, please mention them here and I will upload a new file. I have subscribed to the premium version of ord.se (for just 19SEK per month) and that means I can now access their audio files and download them for these courses.

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Sure, will do!
Btw I had the same problem with ju … desto as with antingen … eller
Will send you a list of any problematic words/expressions.
Thanks again,


I wonder if it will work if I put “ju (…) desto” with the three dots in brackets? I’ll give it a try and see what happens when I review it.

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Post them right here in this thread, please! :smiley:

Oh, and by the way, I have just tried level 61 (that is where the “ju … desto” problem is) and it worked with “ju (…) desto” - i.e. “ju - space - open brackets - three dots - close brackets - space - desto”.

I shall change the “antingen … eller” entry in the same way.

^^It works!!! So, hopefully both of these entries will now be accepted as correct if you write them as I describe above.


I’ll start keeping track when I run across any that are loud. Thanks for all the work you’ve put into this course!


I’d like to say, “det var så lite så” - but that wouldn’t be entirely correct - it wasn’t a little thing, but I can say “You’re welcome!”


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I just previewed the first 100 words in Part 4. I tend to keep my volume low so I may have missed things that others would find loud.

So far all I found was in Level 7 västerut and Level 10 hednisk seemed loud. And on Level 2 en revision seems to trail off and sounds a bit underwaterish.


Thanks so much for doing this! I shall look into those!

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There is one person who has recorded a lot of stuff for “forvo” and he has the recordings way too loud for some reason. It was him who had said “västerut”. There are quite a few audio files with his voice in 8K, Part 1 and probably also part 2.

I now have access to the files on ord.se via my new subscription and I can usually replace the overly loud recordings with the soft-spoken ladies who recorded words for ord.se :slight_smile:


Thank you for fixing these. It does make the course more pleasant. I will try to preview more when I’m back at my comptuer.


I just went through all the levels I’ve finished in part 1. These are the ones that seemed pretty loud (a few aren’t all that loud but have static or other noise that’s pretty jarring when listening with headphones):

L3: då, att böra, vilken
L4: än
L5: själv
L6: att visa, genom, helt, enligt
L7: en regering
L9: att tala, en väg
L10: lika
L11: att leva
L12: vidare
L13: riktigt


Thanks so much!

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I noticed that there are some that have two recordings. I find those very helpful. Is it difficult to attack two to a word?

I did preview 100 more in Part 4 and I found more problems with the clarity of the audio than any problems with loudness. Here’s the ones I found problematic:

Level 11 an älskling, en pedagog
Level 15 en yngling, att spärra
Level 17 en debut (This one was barely audible to me)
Level 19 en PC
Level 20 multinationell


Here’s what I found problematic in the next 100 still in Part 4

L22: att pendla, att motstĂĄ
L23: en gudinna
L25: avsiktligt
L27: kvantitativ (has no audio at all)
L28: ett syndrom (has no audio at all)
L30: en intensitet


Thanks for your efforts!

I’ve added a new audio file for “att pendla”, but there isn’t one on ord.se for “att motstå”, so we will have to make do with what I could find on forvo, I’m afraid.

Added a new version of “en gudinna” to level 23.

“avsiktligt” is difficult - I have only found one source for that word.

kvantitativ - done!

ett syndrom - done!

en intensitet - new file added


Adding two audio files just takes a tiny bit longer :slight_smile:

Why do you find it so helpful to have two recordings, just out of interest?

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I find that some voices are easier to understand. And it gives me a small idea of acceptable variations. It kind of makes it easier when I’m trying to pronounce it to not get hung up on one pronunciation. Especially if one is more difficult.

And eventually, if I make it to Sweden, I think it will be helpful to have heard different versions. Especially after having completed Duolingo’s course with the robot voice.