Ziggy is now live!

Ugh! After all these “years” of working toward 50,000,000, I would’ve had the next rank by Christmas. Is it possible that Memrise works on a search engine for courses that works better vs the stuff that is just fun to work on like cartoons. Years ago there was a super way to find classes with three search options but now all we have is a cute little ziggy to show for improvements. Guess you all will flash mob another train station or hop on the Memrise bus and hit the road versus what really counts. Those of us that build cases in the past remember the fun of making a course that folks liked to use. That kind of went away when our course become so deeply buried that they never show under the newer search engine. I apologize for the negativity, you are still my favorite way to learn, but the priorities of Memrise seem a little off.


I’m in a similar position to you @heikkiss having achieved Memporer a little while way; except my next level will be 17. In my mind I had set my next goal as Overlord. I’ve missed my run - it’s Levels 17 and 18 for me.


My thoughts entirely. I use Memrise with students aged 13-16 and they will probably just cringe. They don’t need gimmicks. It’s just completely irrelevant.


Point taken Arete Hime. I’ve rated “operation Ziggy” in the Play Store. And thank you for creating the polls, it should provide an additional source of valuable information for the Memrise team. I believe this material on the forum is not just a waste of time and energy but a chance for them to bring genuine improvements to the program.


No. Nobody from Memrise responded, and the message they want to send is that we are not worth responding to.

Their deliberate decision not to respond is a loud and clear non-verbal display of dominance and control. The co-founders both have graduate degrees in psychology, and they know exactly what message ignoring their customers’ pleas on the forum sends, and it’s precisely the message they want to send to us.


you exagerate
they did give us the mem’s back

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no, they did not… all i see in my courses are few, very few mems, and only in old courses i get to see some mems (if any)

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that’s odd

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I like this comment and it is on-topic for this post so I’m putting it here:


On another web page, that I joined years ago, users haven’t been pleased with the (minor, compared to what is going on on memrise) changes the creators have made. Because there were some people complaining silently, somebody wrote an open letter via a petition site for people to sign. And there were a lot to sign. Unfortunately, I cannot tell about the outcome of this open letter, but what I want to say is:

If few people complain about something silently and yet still sum up to be enough for the open letter to gain importance, why shouldn’t we - a lot of people that try to protest loudly enough to get heard - try the same?

Maybe I’m thinking too naively here, but if we all collect the points that are annoying us, write them down, packed in strong arguments, and give some better ideas for memrise to follow, maybe they will read it once enough people have signed and thereby shown full support to those critics?


Try starting a new thread and start putting the ideas together…


Ziggy is rubbish. I liked the old streak system. Now I have nothing to bring me back everyday.
What is Ziggy supposed to achieve? The different Ziggy icons mean nothing to me, I don’t care for them because I’m not a 12 year old girl. The levels, it’s hard to tell whether e.g. level 16 is something to be impressed about or not. Overlord, now that was impressive, along with a massive streak, that showed dedication straight away. Anyone can get a high level if they periodically use something for long enough. What’s impressive about that?
Don’t think I will continue with my pro membership when it expires. The apps are too easy for a start. You can guess the answers based on the characters they give you, and there is no time limit (on iOS anyway).
Web version is better. You don’t get any clues and have to write something before the time runs out.


It’s live, Jim, but not as we know it.

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Dear @lurkmoophy and Memrise team, could we ask you back on giving us feedback on feedback you received on your question?

Bring this type of responses any value to you and your consideration?


Hi Devs

Instead of offering ridiculous discounts for Memrise “Pro” every time one earns a new streak, perhaps you should really consider your users’ feedback. Editing typos, personalising a course, adding different testing systems to the “Pro” version and the like. A popular website like this will only continue to thrive (and earn, as you probably have been trying to do via the discounts) IF there is continuous, constructive improvement based on your users’ needs.

Moves like Ziggy are simply uncalled for and will probably continue to fuel disgust for your development team.


Yes, I agree, Ziggy is terrible. I was only a Membassador, but I was excited to obtain future ranks. The childish new system is really discouraging. And so long as I’m complaining, I miss the old Mem creating system with the image search feature. Why are they making it harder to create good Mems?


We hear you and we are taking in all your feedback. There are fair points that we are planning to act upon - from adding more ranks and making the progress more motivating for long time learners, as well as rethinking personal bests (namely, streaks) and how to visualise them better.

The way in which we tested very different progress visualisation concepts, ranks, icons and characters will be a case study we are planning to share - there was a lot of user testing and feedback involved, from new and existing learners with often unexpected results. We’ll be sharing this in the next month.

As we mentioned above, this is very much v1.0 of Ziggy. We’ll continue to improve and iterate on this to make it better.


I remember the days when Memrise had a cat working for them, the site was great then. Bring back the cat.


and the garden, and all mems for an item (not only those 3 that…)

and basically bring Adam back…


who’s adam?

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