Day Streak Badges no longer visible

I’m sure someone somewhere has already asked this, but I’m curious why the new format no longer shows day streak badges. I can see my own streak on the dashboard, but I can no longer see the ones of my friends and they cannot see mine.

I’ve just reached 120 days and I’d hate to just lose it.

Thanks. Love the program!


The streak badges are going to return, at least in some form according to Memrise staff:

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Thank you. For the record, I currently have 122 day streak but I will lose it in a couple of days. One of the things I like about this program is that it saves the highest day streak rather than completely erasing it. I hope this will be implemented in the new format (since it will be a while before I can top my current day streak) and, if so, I hope it will register my current day streak instead of making me start from scratch.

Thanks folks for a great program!

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