Ziggy is now live!

Indeed ziggy is terrible!!!:sob::frowning: :frowning:


What to say about new system?..
Childish. Infantile.
It feels like Memrise GO.


What would you say if someone dear to you (like Memrise to us), one day suddenly change his face with a weird, ugly one? How would you feel? Happy? Neither us!


I agree so much with the other posts… I won’t cancel my pro-account right now, but I’m not sure at all I’ll renew it next time. I will continue to use Memrise, despite of “Ziggy”: not sure it’s the right mood to learn though…
Maybe you should develop a child-version of Memrise and use Ziggy there. Many of us are grown-ups, and this ridiculous toon is almost insulting.


I still don’t understand why Memrise is trying to appeal to small children. Most preschoolers are busy trying to learn their native language, they don’t have time to pick up a second one. It should be obvious most of Memrise’s userbase is adults, young adults and older teens.


For everyone in this thread, if you aren’t comfortable with scripts but have Adblock installed, you can:

  1. Right click on your avatar
  2. Hover down to Adblock -> Block this ad
  3. Scroll one over on the bar. Ziggy should disappear and your avatar remain.
  4. Rejoice.

Everything is ok now! Follow the instructions of TheFour-GatedDanzig and Ziggy will disappear!


Wonderful! Thanks to you all is ok now! The awful Ziggy disappeared! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!


Those who are not happy with the new features can always downrate Memrise in the Google Play store. I already did it.


As to myself, I love Ziggy but I also would like to keep my badge. I’m a bit confused about the new ranking system.

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Your blood is worth bottling! Loud cheers and tobacco spits.

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If you need to stick to Ziggy (which I don’t like at all), at least replace the meaningless and totally mindless level numbers with some original level names!


I’m sad about the new design. As someone who has been using this site for 3 years, I liked the clever names for the ranks and the poetic idea of knowledge growing like a flower.
It was simple, not over the top and appealing. The design was focussed on learning, the joy and the beauty of it. The streak badges were a great motivating improvement too!
This new design takes the poetry and the the beauty away from memrise. I will still use it and enjoy its functionality, but I think Memrise should think about their audience. They are more mature than Ziggy.
It’s such a shame, I wish there was a little time machine for this website.


Not a fan either, for what it’s worth… Worked hard to get up the ranks now it feels less motivating to evolve this avatar i have no emotional connection with. Badges were much better.

On the other hand I appreciate memrise trying to find new ways to present a goal… Just isn’t for me.


Yes, either Adblock or uBlock origin works: Ziggy is now live!

@all There is another recent thread: "do not show the ziggy" userscript


Thank you, now this horrible little cartoon disappeared from my screen (at least on my computer, I’ll see my other devices later). I hope it will be away forever, and that Memrise won’t find a way to “force” us to see it.
And I hope (but I doubt…) they will listen to their customers for once.

To the Memrise guys: I PAY for this service. You’re supposed to want me to continue to do so, not make me despise your product and use Anki/another website instead.


Please make it possible to choose between the old and the new system.I liked the old ranking system really much.


For the love of God, bring back the streak badges!


About Ziggy…

-Too childish
-Too big.

Could you at least make that creature smaller?. :frowning:


I am using memrise now for 2 years and built up my own course. As I see it, this is a platform mostly for adults to learn languages. Therefore, I cannot understand these childish Ziggies. The former badges had at least very creative names that everybody liked to identify with. Earning badges is a better motivation for language learning than a growing tamagotchi. A pitty, the number badge for the days you learned in a row is gone.

I can see that you want to keep improving the page, but please make sure that it is improvement indeed.