Your time still runs out while pausing

I pressed pause to quickly do something else, and when I came back, my question had timed out! has this always happened? because I have never noticed it before, please tell me whether this is a bug or just normal!

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Did you pause after you had answered one item and before it had moved on to the next one? From my experience, it seems to only occur when you do that, and yes, I’m afraid it’s been around since I joined two and a half years ago at least, if we’re talking about the same thing.

It’s always worked for me to just make sure I only pause before I’ve answered the current item/after it’s moved on to the next one.


I too have experienced this (on the web) after a long pause.

When I come back I find it has moved onto the next question telling me I got it wrong or rather didn’t answer it in time and I need to learn it.

For me, it’s usually part way though and I pause as soon as I see the next question.

ok, thank you @TinyCaterpillar

and thank you @DW7

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