Your favourite Swedish fiction (online and offline) - please list here!

Hej tillsammans!

There are quite a few of us who read Swedish fiction, so it would be cool if we could recommend authors or specific books to each other. If anybody has any links to free online resources, it would be cool if we could collect them here as well.

@Olivia.717 @TheFour-GatedDanzig @sustained

Oh, and please tag anyone else you think might be able to contribute to this thread!

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Ooh, I’ll have to conjure up a list and post soon.

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I’ll have to have a think.

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One of the best crime books I have EVER read - and that includes the hundreds I have read in English - is a book called “Saknad” by Karin Alvtegen.

Obviously, I can’t say anything about it, with it being a crime book, beyond it being absolutely amazing.

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If you like crime fiction and detective novels, I recommend this author: Michael connelly, it seems that his books are also translated into swedish.

I also recommend that you read the novels in order
Believe me, his books are really amazing, especially “the lincoln lawyer”.

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I’ve been a big fan of Michael Connolly for a couple of decades, I guess, now! I love his books, too, but I am not such a big fan of reading things in translation as I discovered that - in translations into German at least - that they sometimes contain things which are simply not said in German as it is written or spoken by native speakers of German.

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Honestly I mostly read Classic Literature translated into Swedish, not Swedish literature itself.

I’ve read a few things, mostly Astrid Lindgren (which I’d recommend) but
 I can’t think of anything else Swedish. I have a bunch of Lindqvist books etc. but I just haven’t read or even started any of them.

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I love the idea of this thread. Here are some thoughts on a few Swedish books by Swedish authors I have read. I have really inclusive tastes when it comes to fiction so I will read just about anything. Hopefully some of my thoughts can help people decide if it is a book they want to read or not.

HĂ€ndelser vid vatten by Kerstin Ekman. This is a book of outstanding literary merit. It is a murder mystery but definitely not genre fiction - I think it is more of a literary exploration of people and their connections to land. I think I read it before my language skills were strong enough to appreciate it fully, and there was a lot of botanical and other natural vocabulary that I had to look up. If you want to read something serious, somewhat slow in the plotting, and full of rich natural descriptions, I would recommend this book.

LĂ„t den rĂ€tte komma in by John Ajvide Lindqvist. This is the most haunting horror novel I have read in any language. I don’t read much in the horror genre, but the book struck me as very effective in its creation of a dark atmosphere. It is also full of very gory descriptions that, for better or worse, have stuck with me for months. It is a vampire novel but also a novel about social issues. I believe there is one or two movies made of it, so that might enhance the reading experience.

The Engelsfors trilogy (Cirkeln, Eld, Nyckeln): These are young adult fantasy novels with a modern high school setting and a backdrop of impending apocalypse. Each of the novels is quite lengthy but of all the Swedish books I have read, they are the most accessible in terms of language. The fantasy plot might not have been the most original, but it was interesting to see an ensemble cast of Swedish high school girls deal with various relationship and social issues, as they tried to save the world at the same time.

I have also read a number of crime mysteries in Swedish. I want to post my thoughts on them but I have run out of time, so I may be back to add a few more reading ideas


Please do!

And please tell us about anything else you have read and enjoyed :slight_smile: So happy that this post spoke to you. Reading is one of THE best ways to really get to grips with a language, but only if you read something you actually enjoy.

I love a good crime book so any recommendations are really welcome!

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Going to drop these here:

Most of interest to you, I’m guessing. :hugs:

Lots of non-Swedish stuff, obviously. But because they were made in Sweden, there are more Swedish additions than you’d find in a British or American equivalent. Maybe I’ll post some more stuff like this. Oh, of course anyone with an interest in Scan. books should check out the following:


That Ekman book is what really made her reputation. Be wary, a lot of readers of detective fiction think it’s boring as paint drying. It’s more about the atmosphere and slooooowwwww reveal. Plus, like miaom said, botanical desriptions.

You should read some more, Lindqvist, if you haven’t , @miaomiaopurr. He’s always fun. A former permanent secretary of the Swedish Academy, Horace Engdahl, said he’d be open to him winning the nobel if all of his books were of the same quality as Hanteringen av odöda.

I should also mention looking at the authors on the Swedish Academy is also a good bet. Like the newest inductee, Sara Stridsberg. Her novel Drömfakulteten, " År 2011 utsĂ„gs den till 2000-talets frĂ€msta svenska roman i en omröstning i Dagens Nyheter" So there’s that.


The two best books I have ever read in Swedish (so far) are:
‘Flickan i skogen’ by Vigdis Grímsdóttir
‘En moder har fyra döttrar’ by Inger AlfvĂ©n

The first author is Icelandic but the second one is actually Swedish. Both are prize-winning authors, so you can be sure the writing is good.

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Thanks for the tips!

Maybe I will read the Swedish translation first and the original Icelandic later :slight_smile: