I recently ignored several words in my Chinese course. It has ~3000 words, I already learnt 582 of them and the non-ignored ones (learnt or not) are 621.
Nevertheless, in the iOS app, the course has just 506 words, I’ve learnt 582 “of it”, and shows “course completed” all the time, even if I delete and download again the app. What can I do? It is really annoying.
Someone suggested that without pro, the learner can’t see all the words. If that is true, it would be a change. Nobody really confirmed it. But if you are capped 506 words, but before the you learned already some of the invisible ones, that would explain it.
@memrisesupport: please, can you confirm that a ‘free’ (non-pro) user can learn all the words in a course?
What could be the explanation for @Mitrahus problem? Thank you!