Namkelekile kwakhona. Welcome once again. Please use this topic to discuss the Xhosa Intro or other Xhosa courses, or topics of interest to you that are somehow related to Xhosa. wwkudu/Graham
Hello I’m an English speaker who learnt Xhosa second language in high school, in Cape Town. My vocab has gotten a bit rusty over the years, but I still know my gramma pretty well. I was excited to find your Xhosa intro course on Memrise. So many of my friends want to learn Xhosa but I haven’t been able to find decent resources to point them to. I’ve been doing the Spanish courses lately and really enjoying this approach to learning. I noticed that there is a lot missing from the Xhosa course and I’d really like to help contribute towards it. Some things in the setup of the course - the way some phrases are tested, missing audio etc. If you’d like my help, I’d be happy for you to add me as a contributor to the course and I’ll make some additions.
Ahhh I figured out what is bugging me about the course! The phases and translations are the wrong way around (in comparison to the Spanish 1 and 2 courses I’ve been doing). It bugs me that it asks me to spell and phrase things in English, when I can already speak English, and would rather practice getting my phrases and spelling right for Xhosa.
Example from Spanish 2 course:
Sarah - really great to hear from you, and thanks for your willingness to
assist! I would really appreciate it!
My aim with this course was to convey grammar concepts while introducing
vocabulary. For subject-specific material I was thinking to create
different courses, e.g. the Body course, which teaches parts of the body as
pure vocab, without examples, etc.
I’ll happily add you as a contributor. I would ask that you stick to the
convention of providing plurals with all nouns, as I believe this is key.
Let me know any other ideas you have! I’ve been encouraged by how many
people take the course, and take it quite far. Not many go all the way, but
there is generally good participation.
It’s fantastic that you’re still interested in speaking and learning
isiXhosa. I hope your friends can be enthused too! I have a few isiXhosa
learning products that a late friend and I sold under the banner of African
Voices (purchased from Tessa Dowling at UCT). These include an audio of
500+ everyday sentences and phrases, and the “Speak Xhosa With Us” grammar
book. You are welcome to recommend these to your friends if they would help
they retail for R250 and R350 respectively. You can reach me here or on my
name dot surname at gmail - graham bingham
Continuing the discussion from Xhosa:
I am trying the intro to Xhosa. Why do only a few words have Audio. It is difficult to pronounce the words correctly if you dont hear what they are supposed to sound like