Wrong translations in GCSE German course

How do I report incorrect translations like in the Edexcel GCSE German vocabulary list where the English translation is written in a German phrase:

incorrect english translation

The creator and editor of the course seem to be inactive so nobody is in charge of correcting or checking the list, any ideas?

Well, seems like the course creator does not have a forum account, so you can ask for @MemriseSupport to make you contributor, once you get the contributor status you will be able to fix the problem yourself.

I will try contacting them then, thank you for the advice

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Hi @electroblastz2, have your tried contacting existing contributor, @LanguageBox, who has put the following note in Level 1 of the course?

"LYoudale unfortunately hasn’t been active for some time, so this course has suffered a severe lack of care and attention recently. The people up high have granted me contributor access to this course, which means if you have any vocab levels you want adding, any words you want editing or any queries whatsoever, you can now contact me, LanguageBox, on the Memrise form (see the link at the end of this message).


Profile - LanguageBox - Memrise"

@ian_mn ,

I have tried getting in touch with @LanguageBox but to no avail as they have not used the forums since October 2019.

That’s why I thought it would be convenient for me to obtain contributor role since I am much more active on the site and know which errors in the course need to be fixed (as mentioned in my recent post).

I understand.

Based on their recent track record, I expect that the Memrise team will likely add you as a contributor within about 10 days.

I took a look at this course recently, but because noun genders are included in parentheses after each noun, one of its weaknesses is that learning genders may be difficult. There are arguably better GCSE German Memrise courses available, but most are based on AQA rather than EdExcel syllabuses.

Having said that, it might be worth looking at some other courses, which appear to have similar coverage and are of very good quality, for example:
*AQA GCSE German - by immyjenn - Memrise

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I took a quick look through the course and, in case it helps, here are some possible typos I’ve noticed. I’m guessing you’re aware of most of them already.

*** Verbs (/course/89242/edexcel-gcse-german-vocabulary-list/2/)
tich beeilen to hurry sich beeilen
*** Adjectives (/course/89242/edexcel-gcse-german-vocabulary-list/3/)
bose angry böse
*** Connectives (/course/89242/edexcel-gcse-german-vocabulary-list/7/)
dewegen for this reason deswegen
*** Geography (/course/89242/edexcel-gcse-german-vocabulary-list/12/)
die Niederlanden Netherlands die Niederlande
*** Prepositions (/course/89242/edexcel-gcse-german-vocabulary-list/15/)
uber above, over ĂĽber
*** Visitor Information (/course/89242/edexcel-gcse-german-vocabulary-list/17/)
Konzert concert das Konzert
das vom Fass Bier draught beer das Bier vom Fass
Gegend region, area die Gegend
*** Weather (/course/89242/edexcel-gcse-german-vocabulary-list/18/)
im Westen in the wesy in the west
himmel sky der Himmel
*** Local Amenities (/course/89242/edexcel-gcse-german-vocabulary-list/19/)
der Theater theatre das Theater
das Geldautomat ATM, cashpoint der Geldautomat
*** Accommodation (/course/89242/edexcel-gcse-german-vocabulary-list/20/)
Ankunft Arrival die Ankunft
Gepack luggage das Gepäck
funktioneren to function, to work funktionieren
*** Transport (/course/89242/edexcel-gcse-german-vocabulary-list/21/)
öffentliche Verkehsmittel public transport das öffentliche Verkehrsmittel
verspäten (sich) to be late sich verspäten
*** Problems (/course/89242/edexcel-gcse-german-vocabulary-list/25/)
zurucklassen to leave behind zurĂĽcklassen
*** General Interests (/course/89242/edexcel-gcse-german-vocabulary-list/26/)
altmödisch old-fashioned altmodisch
unterhalten (sich) to chat sich unterhalten
*** Leisure Activities (/course/89242/edexcel-gcse-german-vocabulary-list/27/)
Gitarre guitar die Gitarre
SportausrĂĽstung sports equipment die SportausrĂĽstung
*** Family and Friends (/course/89242/edexcel-gcse-german-vocabulary-list/28/)
die Bart beard der Bart
Familie family die Familie
die Ausländer foreigner foreigners
*** Internet (/course/89242/edexcel-gcse-german-vocabulary-list/30/)
Drucker printer der Drucker
Programmierer programmer der Programmierer
*** World of Work (/course/89242/edexcel-gcse-german-vocabulary-list/31/)
das (ausfĂĽllen) Formular (to fill in) a form das Formular ausfĂĽllen
Feurwehrmann fireman der Feuerwehrmann
Antwort reply, answer die Antwort
Termin appointment der Termin
Zeugnis school report das Zeugnis
*** School (/course/89242/edexcel-gcse-german-vocabulary-list/32/)
PrĂĽfung examination die PrĂĽfung
*** Celebrity/Religion (/course/89242/edexcel-gcse-german-vocabulary-list/34/)
der Hemd shirt das Hemd
*** Hobbies (/course/89242/edexcel-gcse-german-vocabulary-list/35/)
das SMS text message die SMS
*** Holidays (/course/89242/edexcel-gcse-german-vocabulary-list/36/)
der Personalauweis identity card der Personalausweis
*** Employment (/course/89242/edexcel-gcse-german-vocabulary-list/38/)
Kollege colleague der Kollege
Gehalt salary das Gehalt
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