Wrong phoneme in IPA

There is a wrong sound and explanation to the phoneme ( ɪ )

Is this in a specific course? If so, which one?

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Yes, in the course “Learn the IPA”.

Message the course creator. And post the link to the course, because nobody here can see which course exactly you are talking about.

How can I send a message? The course is https://www.memrise.com/course/239573/learn-the-ipa-phonetic-alphabet/

Sorry for the very slow reply.

@michaeliannozzi created this course, but although I tagged him here with the @ sign, (s)he doesn’t seem to be active on this forum. By tagging @Lien (as I just did with the @ sign), you ask her if she could contact this user to reply back to you here.

It’s a very popular course (6000+ learners), some care should taken before changing something.