Words typing in backwards on iPad app version

During a review session, sometimes the exercises ask me to type in the correct response while using they app’s provided keys (not the iOS keyboard).

When I do start tying in a response for a review question, the letter order is typed in reverse.

For example: the answer is ‘yesterday’ and it types in ‘yadretsey’


I get the same, currently in Japanese 1/2/3 (Memrise). It seems to do with tapping the flower and a missing play sound button. Let me explain:
Doing a Listening Skills review where you have to type in what you hear there is no replay the sound blue button. To get the button back I tap the flower/grow icon and cancel the message using Got it! I can then use the blue replay button. Now when I type in the box using the presented choices it is entered in backwards. If I ignore the replay button missing and just begin to enter the answer without tapping the flower then it goes in normally. Deleting all the backwards text cures the issue. You see the missing blue replay button as the screen slides away to the next question. It is entirely reproducible. iPad Air (1), IOS 10.1.1 (Memrise on latest 21st Nov 16 update), Pro.

Keep up the good work :slight_smile:

Interestingly(?) the flower/grow button toggles the text entry direction… :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Issue persists even after a reload of the app…