Word game

When we err in this game, I think we should own the fault. I think the fun of the game is that the bad words do sneak in. They just do that. It’s like the bad words have a mind of their own and they want to sneak in.

Let’s make a new rule. Could we say that we can change our posts to fix the word, but at the same time we should add a note that says what we did? Or should we say it is best to leave the bad word in place, but change the post to add a laugh at the end?

But it could be that this is like if you play ball, and you step out of bounds that is a foul. But if you step back in fast and you are not seen, and there is no flag thrown, then that is the same as if you were not out of bounds at all?

Two posts this day did change to fix or change a bad word that had snuck in. But we can still see what was there first. So what do you think? Do we tease?


Indeed, but sometimes we type faster than we think, and sometimes the end product is not what the original product was, or should be.

Small words are not easy in a large word world. They are fun, but also challenging to the mind.

Do people care more about the original product, or the finished product ? How many of us turn in a paper at school as a final draft, but also include an original draft so a teacher can review the changes ?

Maybe we should not overthink the process, and just let the fun go on (edits intact).

(I know, this post is not composed of mono-syllabic words, but it was not intended to. This time the “fouls” are intentional, and un-edited). Let the game continue…


I think that the point should just be to have fun. Well, that and to chat and make friends.:slight_smile:

I felt that the goofs are part of the fun. To go fast and goof and get caught and be teased just a bit.

I guess we do not need a “rule”. We can each do as we please when the long words sneak past.


:smile: It is fun in a small word world.


Miss Jane made a game, that is hard on the brain. To make things click, you have to think quick. To those who will wait, just leap that gate. And use some fine style, to share a good smile ! :slight_smile:


I live in a place where there are no great hills nor great ponds. My place is small. Boys and girls speak not at all the same as they do in south or east of us. North of us is a small bay and north of this there is a place where boys and girls are called Finns. They talk a bit like we do here but in fact there are lots of false friends in words of ours.
I’ve been to east as far as where czar used to rule. I’ve been as far west as where King and Queen live, they live next to the place of the Finns. I’ve not been to Finn’s place … Most boys and girls here have, lot of them go to work there


I know of your place. You spoke of it in times past. It is a fine land, and by your words any one can place it on a map. It is a small land, but one need not fret if there are no hills or ponds. They are of no great note. “Home” is more than what the land is like, or where a boy or girl is. “Home” is where your heart lives.


I did err, so to make it fair, here it is with two new words:

I know of your place. You spoke of it in times past. It is a fine land, and by your words any one of us can place it on a map. It is a small land, but one need not fret if there are no hills or ponds. They are of no great note. “Home” is more than what the land is like, or where a boy or girl is. “Home” is where your heart lives.


I have been to your small land south of the Finns. I liked it a lot. I plan to go back when the air is warm. (Now it is too cold…) Your land has lots of crafts with wool and yarn. They look nice!


Your land is the home of Skype, is it not? :slight_smile: Or at least it once was.

I know a girl who is from that land. But she speaks like the czar, not this speech which is a bit like that of the Finns. (Well, she can speak that speech as well but it is not the speech she got from her mum.)


Hi! What is new with you? Do you still want to play the game?

I will leave one day from now to go to Wales. I feel glad but a bit scared, too. It is a new place where I have not been so far. I hope that my flight will be fine and that they will not lose my bag on the way there or the way back.

It seems that there will be lots of rain. I do not like rain.

Wales is near the sea and has high hills. At times, the clouds fail to rise when they meet those hills and they drop the rain that is in them, so there is lots of rain at the coast. I hope I will not get too wet.

Is there much rain where you live?

Do you live at the coast or not?


Good luck to you on your trip. I hope it will not rain much, but if it does rain, I hope it will be light so you can still go out and see the land.

I had a friend years ago from Wales. I could not talk like her, but would smile when she spoke Welsh. I do not know where she is now. Sad I guess, how time changes and life goes on.

Is there much rain where I live? Oh my, yes. It does not fall once or twice, it falls all the time. Even when I sleep, I can hear it. Here, the high hills meet the sea, and so that brings clouds and rain all the time. All is green due to the rain.

Once in a rare while we see an odd light in the sky. Some call it the Sun. I was not quite sure, so I had to look in a book to find out what to call it. The Sun is one name for it. It is a big star, but not one you can view at night, just by day.

It is not hot here yet, just cold and wet. The heat will come soon. But the rain will not stop. Our clothes are wet all the time. But not green like the hills. Not yet at least.

Wales is a green land too, at least from what I have seen in books. Green is a good thing. Green means life.

Have a safe trip !


“how time doth change”, the book that King James told men to make might have said :slight_smile:

Where I live, it is flat. We have few hills. Some hills we call “high hills” but boys and girls from the south would laugh at that word, for their hills are high in truth. So I am not used to this rain that comes from hills by the sea.

But we do have clouds. Most days we have clouds. We do not see the sun on most days. So it is a bit like a thing out of a tale for us, too :slight_smile:

Do you have lots of sheep where you live? I have heard that Wales has lots of sheep. I think sheep like it when it is green, too. It could be that there are more sheep than men. I am not sure.

And thank you for your wish for a safe trip for me!


The book that King James told men to make was a great one. One I read all the time, but not with the words of his days. More in the words of now. I love that book !

There are few sheep here. :sheep: It is too hot here for sheep with their fur coats. This is a land with pigs and ducks; fish from the sea; and all types of green things from the soil. The hills here are very high. Some so high they have snow when we have rain. It is odd to see snow in a land so warm as this. But it is not warm as you climb high. It is cold. I like cold. I do not like heat.

Sheep like green things. From what I saw near my home in the west, they could stand in the field and eat all day. They made noises too. Odd ones, to my ear, but not to sheep I guess. They were so proud of their fur coats. But then some men would come by when it got warm and shave off their coats. The poor sheep were bare and sad. But just like our hair, their coats would grow back again. No one, it seems, would rob them of their warm coats twice ! At least not near my home in the west. I am not sure if they do that in Wales. You could ask them when you get there.

From what I know, it is cold in Wales, so the sheep need their fur coats. All year, I guess. But where would yarn come from, if not from sheep ? Wool is warm for sheep, and boys and girls too. I have a blue wool vest on now. I am warm with it on, but I am not a sheep. I do not make odd noises like they do, nor do I eat green grass. Not like a man did in the book King James made men make years ago.


Here, we have sheep :sheep: and cows :cow2: and pigs :pig2:.

We have dikes so that the sea will not flood the land. Sheep help to keep the grass on the dikes short. We have things that make noise that cut grass but they are not as good on a slope as sheep, I think. And the sheep do not make as much noise as the things :slight_smile:

We have deer, too. My wife has a small place where she grows things. She does not like deer in that place :slight_smile: The jump the hedge and eat her plants. Hares come and eat her plants, too. She tries to put things on top of the plants so that hares and deer will not eat them.

We do not have room to grow things by the house. That is why she bought this place. Lots of boys and girls in my land that live in big towns have such a place to grow things. They go there when they have time. When the sun shines and it is warm, they can sleep there at times.

Do you grow things?


In this land of the east, we do not have hares or cows. At least not near here. We do have a lot of wild dogs though. They eat all kinds of food, even foods with fences all about them. They are smart dogs. Fences do not stop them. They like to eat. If it can be seen, and it is green, it is fair game for them.

Most of what grows here is rice. It is the time of year to plant it, and there are a quite a few old men who spend their days in knee deep ponds so we can eat it months from now. Dogs do not eat rice when it is but a small green plant. They wait for old boys and girls to boil it and add things to it. Then they will eat as much as they can. I love rice. Brown is my best type. I just had a big bowl in fact for my late meal one hour ago. Yummy !

In my home in the west I had a place like your wife has. I had many trees of fruit. They were all so fresh and good for you. I miss my trees. I hope they will grow good fruit this year. I may not be there to see it, or taste it, but I can view them in my mind and smile. My friends will eat the fruit. They like it very much.

March is the last cold month in my home in the west. The next month the bees will come and spend time with my fruit trees. They help to make the fruit grow. They did not sting me when I would work near them. They would do their thing, I would do my thing. They came for a spell then went. I came each day for months.

Birds like to eat my fruit. I had to try to scare them if I could. I was not mad at them. I did not hurt them. I just did not want them to rob all my fruit while it was still on the tree. I would put some in a pile far from the trees and let them eat as much as they could. We had a good game plan that way. They grew fat, but sang nice songs. Each year they would come back. Was it the same ones ? I could not tell. but I think so.


This is fun to laugh at! :smiley: And more so when you think all speak in a knght’s loud and a bit posh voice! (It is… tough to not use long words and find more words…)


It is not easy to think in small words since we live in a big word world. But we do our best with this task that Miss Jane gave us. We learn, laugh and have fun with what we share. At times though, big words do creep in. Oh well, such is life. This is just a game, when all is said and done. We are not in school.

Glad you can join us !


I too live in a land of much rain. There are days when the rain falls hard, and there are days when the rain is a soft mist. In fact it is hard to see the wood on the roof of my house due to the thick, soft, green moss that grows on the roof.

But I have an odd tale to share: at my house rain is not all that falls from the sky; oh no, that is not all. I live right on the beach, and the birds like to hunt food on the beach. The crows love to eat clams and crab, but the shells are too hard for the crows to crack with their beaks. But does that stop the crows? Not at all. The crows fly high into the sky with their prey and drop the clams and crabs to break their shells and get to the fresh meat. My front porch has crab legs spread here and there. They crunch when I walk down the steps.


Thank @lurajane it was so good you made this thread. When I read the long posts of @pdao and @mizinamo I was in so much fun that my eyes were wet, could not hold back laugh. I :+1: your posts too. You know that voice from star wars, I read with that like som kind of thing. So much fun. I :cupid:your :mailbox_closed:. You made my day