Hello there!
I’m currently using your course for Japanese.
Let me first praise the recent revamp of the course. This new version is vastly better and much more intuitive and progressive than the last version. So major kudos to the team for that!
I enjoy the philosophy and linguistic aspects of learning a language (perhaps even more than the experience of improving my language skills), which is why I’m particularly fascinated by Japanese, because it’s so vastly different from any western language I’ve encountered.
This is why I was completely dumbfounded in the best possible way when I came across this sentence because it is so inherently Japanese: “猫カフェに行くのが好きです” (Japanese 1, Level 4: “To each their own”)
The english translation is: “I like going to cat cafés”
The word-for-word translation (Currently literal translation) is: “cat-café-to go-く-の-が like is”
My suggestion is that the actual “literal translation”, if I understand correctly, be listed as “The going to of cat-cafés is liked (by me)”
That way the learner can view the sentence both laterally and try to understand the closest parallel in English (literally, as it were).
I understand the implications in making such an overhaul and the fact that it may confuse some learners more than it may help them, but the sentence made much more sense to me (and I was able to appreciate it much more) and therefore stuck much better in my brain once I understood the ins and outs of the sentence.
I don’t necessarily think this would be a good idea for every course, but I imagine it would be immensely helpful with languages that are so vastly different in structure from English.
I hope this made some sense. Otherwise I’d be happy to elaborate.
It is of course also entirely possible that I’m just plain wrong, in which I’d be happy to know
Thanks so much!
Kind Regards,