During a review session there used to be the number of words being reviewed in the page header. It went missing a few weeks ago. I used to find it quite handy. Now instead of reading ‘14 Words to review’ it just reads ‘Words to’.
Maybe it’s a browser-related issue. Do you get the same result with all browsers? I use Chrome and am still seeing the word count, whether reviewing by individual course or by all courses in a subject:
Maybe it is a zooming issue?
Try to reset the zoom level back to 90-100%.
You can zoom in and out by using pressing and holding the CTRL hotkey and using the mouse scroll wheel.
Many laptops have up and down (left/right) hardware keys below the touchpad, so you would press and hold the DOWN key in combination to zoom out.
I had that problem yesterday (and a few times before). But today the number is back again. And I haven’t changed anything on my side.
edit: It does seem to be a size problem. At 100 % zoom numbers with more than one digit don’t fit. When I set zoom to 90 % the number appears again.
Thanks to everyone for the help. I think you are all right - it is a size issue. I am fairly sure it used to say ‘nn words to review’ and now it is ‘Words to review: nn’ which cuts off the vital information when there is not enough room when the page paints. In chrome I am missing the count when it’s more than a single digit. In firefox I am missing the whole expression ‘review: nn’. Unfortunately for me I am using both on an Android device, so there is not the same zooming capability as on a PC. And I much prefer Firefox in any case. No biggie I guess.