Will I be fluent? (Spanish Mexico)

You’re not being stupid, but even if you were, then that makes too of us! Thinking in my head: Yay, I’m not lonely. :yum: I’m just kidding… It was an honest mistake, though, just like mine. :sweat_smile: :expressionless: At least we can own up to it, though.

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okay, that is not “fluent”… far from it (what for a book? at least a Zafon?)

memrise may “believe” that, but for a B1 you should know all the main tempora of all the main verbs, and also the important verb moods. Also at least 3000 to 5000 nouns. I doubt their courses do contain all that

Oh, no! That’s horrible! I use mems like crazy, and they’re usually my own mems, because I find it easier to remember the things that I’m trying to learn with those specific pictures. If that goes away and they choose for us, it will be hard for me to remember things. I’m hoping that they will stick with us choosing our own mems, because otherwise, I will be GREATLY disappointed. That’s one of the biggest things that I like about Memrise and why I use this website the most more than anything else!

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I know this is an old thread, but I’ve got something to say:

I decided to try out Lingvist, but it makes little sense. They don’t seem to accept some synonyms, and the preterit shouldn’t be referred to as the “indefinite.” Worse, some of the words they expect you to use don’t quite seem to fit, so I can think of one major improvement: directly connecting their practice material to discussion boards. At least then I can get an explanation for the words that don’t seem to make any sense in their context.

I think it’s tough to predict when someone becomes fluet. One thing I have noticed and I’m just on lv 2 for Mexican spanish, lv 3 for catalina spanish. I can pick up what people are saying in bits and pieces but it’s like I"m on a 3 second delay. while I’m not quick enough to form a reply, when I was watching news and it was on the spanish station with closed captioning on. I could follow along better reading than listening