Why Memrise does not work? memrise.com and the Apps dont work! Why?

Memrise does not work!

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The site is down and memrise devs are working on it.
see this post:


This commment section layout looks like shit.

Its funny that their software is having bugs more often than working normally, as if this was some kind of tech on the edge instead of a regular flascard app simple as a sunrise


It is the first downtime I experience with Memrise for many, many months!


It is up right now. :slight_smile:
…though it does not seem to work properly, the review results are not being saved (web version). Great time for points hunting :smiley:

Yep, confirmed that, no point actually doing any courses currently as it doesn’t actually record your answers.

It does add you points though

In all fairness, even software that offers a relatively straightforward set of functionality such as Memrise is a lot more complex than you’d think…but it seems pretty clear to me that the whole change management system at Memrise is virtually non-existent. In 2 years I can’t remember a single time they’ve rolled out a single obvious improvement, and plenty of times they’ve badly broken stuff and taken days if not weeks to properly fix it. If there were a beta version of the site I’d be more than happy to use it and give feedback, provided of course they showed any willingness to listen to users.


Not for me, still says “0 / 1500” points after a review session.

I’m getting the same issues as other people on here - no points after I complete a review session. Also, the review sessions I’ve been getting since the site has been back online have been the same each time.

EDIT: Seems they are aware - Memrise website and apps are down [ Edit: Fixed! ]

Not for me. I’ve tried doing a review three times now and haven’t gained any points.

yep, the course score does not change but my general score does grow.

Ok, I see that now. But increasing the general score is worthless if you get the same exact review every single time, like I am, and like I suppose everyone else is.

Doesn’t work for me either. Points collected will 0 out after finishing review. Won’t recognize that review is done, so all the review counts stay the same, Hopefully we wont lose our daily streaks.

I’ll add that during course creation, bulk adding to lessons does not work at all. It goes to the database, but not the lesson.

Patience and understanding is pretty run out by now…it’s been over 8 hours. Change management is just not THAT hard! Roll out to staging server, run your smokescreen tests, a few automated UI and API tests and if they pass, swap in your staging server, if something’s obviously still majorly wrong, swap it back out again…all the tools for doing that sort of thing are available completely free these days.


Dylan, agreed. This is clearly a major mishap and I am reconsidering using this website/product. If I were a paying subscriber I would be so upset. I definitely will reconsider subscribing after this…

I am a paying subscriber and I’m pretty upset. If not for the fact that I’m only paying 50% the yearly subscription price, I’d be flipping out about this. As it is, I’m just mildly seething.

This is a joke, I can’t believe I’ve come home today after work and it’s STILL not working? How is that even possible?