Why is the Learn New Words button grayed out on my Android app? [answered]

I am new here and new to the Memrise app so please don’t yell at me if this question has already been answered. I have googled this question numerous times and can’t find the answer. I am trying to learn Spanish with the Memrise app and it is just stuck in an infinite loop of the first 25 words. I can’t move past that. I keep doing the speed reviews and classic reviews over and over again and it won’t let me move on. The Learn New Words button is grayed out so I can’t choose that. I learn pretty fast and I want to be able to move on at my own pace. What am I doing wrong, is it a setting, or am I not seeing something I should be clicking on or what?

If I’m not mistaken, you are talking about this course right? It appears to be a very small 25-words course, so you already finished learning everything and that’s why the application won’t allow you to learn more. You can choose another course, like Spanish 1 by Memrise (with other courses following that one), for example. This course seems to have a lot more content.

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Oh, I see. I didn’t realize that. Thank you. I will go check that out!

You’re welcome! I’m glad if this helped you!