The new update crashes every time when I practice meeting the locals(videos) or whatever it’s called in English.
Please acknowledge and fix ASAP or it’s impossible to use it anymore.
iOS 12.2
App 3.0.2
iPhone XR
The new update crashes every time when I practice meeting the locals(videos) or whatever it’s called in English.
Please acknowledge and fix ASAP or it’s impossible to use it anymore.
iOS 12.2
App 3.0.2
iPhone XR
The memrise app and Apple products really don’t seem to get along that well
There are so many reports of problems with iOS and memrise.
Will there be a fix soon lmao, I really need this to be fixed.
If you are talking about “meet the locals”, you must be using an official memrise course, right?
Yes! Lmao, it’s happening since last update!
And no, that is not me
So, anyway, I have moved your post to the right forum. You had put it in “Decks bugs”, but you are using a memrise official course (or several) so I have moved it to the subforum for iOS bugs in Memrise Bug Control.
I hope it gets seen soon.
So who ARE YOU???
Seriously, a link to your memrise profile or any of the courses you are taking might be helpful. Maybe the bug is in a particular course, for all I know.
Thank you!
Well I’m learning French and as far as I know French 1&2 has the problem, haven’t started 3-7 yet. But I assume it’s a bug to this specific feature
Had zero crashes with the latest iOS versions of Memrise here…
R u on iOS 12.2 as well?
Yes, 12.2, any iOS device that could run 12. should always be updated.
Same problem for me in the Swedish official courses. Only since last update. Was never an issue prior.
Sorry to hear that!
Can you please uninstall the app, restart your device and then reinstall it?
Hey there, sry but that’s honestly the most useless advice.
And I’ve tried already.
No offence
Updating the app will actually give you a newer version (3.0.3). According to your original message you are using 3.0.2.
If you are using 3.0.3 and the app is still crashing, please send me a screen recording of the crash which shows the version of the app you have:
Memrise was always terrible at handling the bugs.
If you hate memrise so much, why don’t you just leave? This negative post doesn’t add anything useful to the conversation.
because we live in a free word and I want to write that comment which is a reality.