I’ve noticed in the past 6 months or so that Memrise has become incredibly slow.
I don’t see any problems with other websites, and PC diagnostics show that I’m running at 10% CPU usage, 20% memory usage and very light disk usage. My setup is Firefox 49, running on Windows XP.
Everything on a Memrise page loads incredibly slowly. Sometimes when I’m learning, even the little “sparkles” animation (sort of green blobs flying up from the plant) fails to show when I get a word right. I know it’s called “sparkles” because I see the alt text instead of the image. (Why on earth reload this animation over the network every time it’s needed, anyway?)
I’m currently getting a delay of up to 3 seconds between answering a question right and the next word loading. This is on courses with no audio (deliberately designed that way, for this reason). When there is an audio file, to be played on getting the question right, it can be another 2 seconds before it loads.
I know Memrise is free, but this is not exactly encouraging me to trust that the paid-for version might be better.