Why did you decide to learn your target language?

I am learning Mandarin Chinese. I became passionate about China after returning from China in 2015. I understood a little of the language, but soon realized I didn’t put as much time into studying as I should of and understood very little when people spoke to me. I wanted to learn more.

I started studying seriously about three months ago and I now understand at a HSK 3 level :partying_face:

What drew you to your target language?

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I wanted to learn another language for about a decade, but when thinking about which one I would typically confuse the language that’s right for me with the language that is the most marketable in my area. I would start with Spanish, and then lose interest quickly. Someone told me I should learn French, and it struck me that this was the language I wanted to read because so many writers and philosophers that I love wrote in French. I’ve stuck with it for about five years, I read in French daily, I can understand most of what I hear in movies, and I’m starting on American Sign Language now.

Vacation travel.
In 2017, I spent about 170 hours learning Portugûes for a 22 day vacation trip. It was a challenge. I also discovered that “everyone” in Portugal spoke English.
In 2018, I spent some time learning Euskara. Mostly to say a few essential phrases and demonstrate to the Euskaldunak that I met (in Bilbo, Donostia, Irunea) that I know they are not “Spanish”, but “Basque”. Part of being polite. I did the same for Català for the 8 days in Barcelona.
This year, it is Slovene for 11 days in Slovenija.

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Ok. I’ve had a lot of switches with my target language. I’m learning 5 right now, I’d say Japanese is my target language for now, what drew me to it? Well, firstly I want to extend my language skills for future careers and such, also a lot for travel reasons. As you really need to know Japanese when going to Japan, as no-one there speaks English. I’ve had Japanese as my target language for around a year? I just generally enjoy the language and it’s culture. The Japanese language can be frustrating, but fascinating. Being quad-lingual is my goal. I’m fluent in English, German and French more or less, but Japanese? Far from fluent, just learning one step at a time :wink: .

OK enough of me blabbing on. Next person please. And here’s a poll for what your target language is!

  • French
  • German
  • Japanese
  • Chinese
  • Greek
  • Slovenian
  • Spanish
  • Mandarin
  • Arabic
  • Italian
  • Turkish
  • Korean
  • Swedish
  • Dutch
  • Norwegian
  • Portuguese
  • Polish
  • Danish
  • Russian
  • Other…

0 voters

Sorry for the long poll. :sweat_smile:


Wanted to remove a step between me and jrpgs. Helped me play KH3 a 5 days early even if I only understood half of it. That and I wanted to become an ALT.

I just want to know as many languages as possible. Also, Japan has a very vibrant culture so I went with that. Don’t have much of a requirement for why I should learn a language, but I hope I’ll be a translator one day (mainly in English and Japanese).

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