Whoops! Review couldn’t load

Trying to LEARN NEW WORDS in German course. Immediately get a message LEARN NEW WORDS could not load - head back to dashboard and try again; Did so, makes no difference. Now cannot progress

Desktop Windows 10 in Chrome


Could you please provide a link to the precise course?

Thank you James.

This warning appears when I want to do a general review of all german courses I have created



If you’re reviewing you would receive this message, which i get on your account

The error basically means there is an error in one or more of the courses which is preventing the session from loading.
Unfortunately the only way to know which course is to try and do a review session in each of the courses you have until you hit a problem.
You seem to be the creator of most courses you’re on so you can go into edit mode and look for problems such as a missing translation.

The same for the original Learn error you reported, there is an issue in the course that the creator needs to resolve.

Personally I don’t know much about course creation but other users on the forum may be able to advise once you’ve identified the problematic course.

I think I have discovered where the issue ist.

If someone tries to study more than 50 courses alltogehter, Memrise ist not capable to manage all the courses together. So there is delay between the items to review in every single course, and the general review.

So Memrise brokes down and appears the warning: Whoops! Review couldn’t load

If Memrise could not fix this bug of delay, I guess the only solution is to recategorize every 50 courses as a diferent lengauge. So if you already study 50 courses of spanisch, the 51, the 52 a so on cathegorise them as Armenian, Albanian or other arbitrary lenguage. Then from the 100 to 150 courses as another lenguage an so on.

I don’t know why the limit is 50 courses to avoid the bug of delay?

That is very interesting. I suspect 50 was a number we put in place to cap how big the query we’d have to run on our backend and is far more than we’d ever expect a user to have for a single language.
This isn’t something we will be looking to change as this is the only instance we have ever seen of this occurring.
If I may suggest, you seem to make very short courses with one level, most creators create a course with multiple levels, which also makes your dashboard a lot easier to manage and quicker to load.

I just did a quick check on my own list of courses. I currently have 34 French courses on my list. Now I’m learning a host of languages (with French being the first I started working on back in 2017) but I’m also far from being as diligent as others I have seen (I have seen people who learned 5 times as many words). I’d thus wager that there’s countless people learning more than 50 courses for a single language. Thus, this is very probably a much more common situation than you might be presuming.
I know that Memrise has come a long way (and software/database dev is often very “heterogenous”), but previous assumptions have to be reconsidered over time - this is clearly such a case.
And querying the count of users who have more than 50 courses for any given language should really be a 5min task for an average database developer - why not ask her/him/them?

Another question is why this should throw an (uncatched!) error. A misleading one too. If the backend query was limiting the count of participating courses to the first/oldest/youngest fifty, an error could be avoided. Instead, the resultset would simply not contain disregarded courses. Presuming that the original problem is appearing only when considering all words up for review in courses of a given language, it wouldn’t matter all too much in the event that it would always consider courses that actually have words up for review. Thus, you would review a bunch and the next bunch would “activate”. Another way of dealing with this: limit the count of words to be reviewed over all courses. There’s actually a whole bunch of ways of (pre-) partitioning your data.

Long story short: your backend query is probably erroneous or badly formed. This is not meant as an accusation, but as a tip where to look. Because: if you don’t have a look at this, I reckon you’ll run into more severe problems in the not too distant future if Memrise resp. the DB with its overall count of courses continues to grow. Last but not least, such limitations should really be documented. Limitations should be published so users have a chance to find out about them.
Just my two cents!

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