Who are you and what is your Memrise ID?

Its ok its good if you tell me im wrong so i can learn, thats what Memrise is for

I’m learning Dutch, too! As of a few weeks ago!

It’s a scream!

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I Tried learning Dutch it didnt go well…

:disappointed_relieved: It was hard…

2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Polls. Polls everywhere!

but i learn also japanese ^^ u should add an also japanese section ^^

Adrian from Romania here, username is LangAddict. I’ve been using Memrise for probably 3 or more years at this point. I’m currently fluent in English and French, working on Japanese and Italian.

If you want, follow me. I want to have some leaderboard competition


Hi, my memrise ID is Ramen_Lordess. I am on memrise to learn Japanese. I was feeling bored one day, so I decided to sign up for memrise to learn Japanese. Now, I can have conversations and I can get the gist of anime without subtitles.


Welcome! Cool that you are able to understand Japanese!

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ti-am dat follow

Hi – I’m Immy (username: isharr) and I’m from Scotland. I’ve probably been using memrise about two months but only discovered the forums yesterday (and I probably should have posted here first… but didn’t, because I’m silly). I ended up on memrise because it seemed to be the only open, understandable resource for Plautdietsch online, but now my main concentration seems to be German, with a bit of general knowledge and botany thrown in for good measure. Feel free to mail or follow me, as I’m always happy for company and it would be great to have some competition on my leaderboard!


I’m Arsalan, and I learn all my dead languages on Memrise cause it’s the closest program I can get to what I want for language learning while also being able to make my own courses. I tend to just port all my grammars’ vocab lists over into Memrise courses, and occasionally grammatical paradigms. Pretty soon, I’d like to be in the habit of learning at least one dead and one modern language every year like a professor of mine from seminary does.

Nice to meet you all!


Hello everybody,

My name is Christian, ID : ChristianDom I’m French. I use Memrise only for ten days because I found on it some arabic courses, and I was interested to learn that language with audio. I only learned it few on a book.

And… as you know certainly, I found a lot of other courses, so I began some (English, Turkish but also “Capitals” or “Algérian history”.

Now I am on this forum, and maybe I will use it time to time to read you and why not to reply (about French language for example).

At soon.

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Nooooo this topic has officialy. died…

I am looking for peeps who learn multiple east asian languages ^+^

I am learning Japanese and Korean. And WOW! @6aeab505596f4d3afa0e nice to have you back :slight_smile:. And what did you do to your name :sweat_smile:

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Hi everyone! :raising_hand_man: my nick is Machiko_rabbit5333, my real name is Andrey i come here to learn Turkish, also want to know Japanese and Arabic and java, create course for Russian speakers Arabic course now creating Ukrainian grammar course for Ukrainian speakers.


i have no clue what happened to my name o_O korean and japanese!!! good! #metoo

It says your account has been terminated…

do you know what #metoo means?