Where have course creators/contributors for N2/N3 JLPT disappeared to?

TL-Walsh, Ben Whately, Moonglum? I’ve seen Monzen in the N2 forum which is great, but the others are nowhere to be found. Come back we need you!

I had been contributing to perhaps a dozen or so courses, so the course forums were very important for me. The removal of them effectively makes it too much of a hassle for me to contribute anymore.

The memrise team have implemented the forum change in the wrong way. It is the course creators and contributors that give memrise its true value and they don’t seem to listen to them.

I’m sorry to disappoint but until they bring back the course forums as they were, I am not in a position to contribute significantly. Blame the memrise team for that.

I just checked and I am a contributor on 40 courses. Not at all easy to manage in the new forum style!

Hey there,

I just saw your posts on this thread just now. 40 courses is impressive!! I understand what you mean - Memrise has really messed this one up. Some people have given very narky answers too when you point it out to them, whether they are official Memrise staff or not.

Well, I’m on N3 now as a contributor if you need to change something. I haven’t had to yet as someone else has made the changes I sought myself but there are a few more entries I plan to edit.

Ben Whately is the founder/CEO of Memrise…