When you ask "Type in Language", what do you mean?

So, I’m extremely confused about something. Every time I’m reviewing my [Korean] courses, when it asks me “Type the Korean for the English above”, I automatically assume it wants me to type in Hangul [Korean] characters. But sometimes it marks it as WRONG because I typed it in Hangul, but the correct answer was the transliterated version of the word.
[i.e. Correct answer for “Thank You” was “Goma Woyo” instead of 고마워요]

Is there a way to tell apart WHEN they want me to type in with English characters vs when they want me to type in the actual language’s characters?

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you should maybe ask this in the forum of the course you’re taking?

i’ve moved your thread in the “Korean” category (http://community.memrise.com/c/language-quarters/language-korean)

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