What resources besides Memrise are you using to learn German?

RT Deutsch and Heute-Journal also have closed captioning, as an FYI. (RT France does not have closed captioning). :frowning:

I found this tool that checks your text for errors:

This is more for advanced users, who want the text to be perfect, other than a replacement for Google Translate.

There is also an online course Iā€™m using, and basically is where I do all my exercises (itā€™s free but you need to register):


Honestly, the TC for German is horrible as a majority of the cards & their answers are completely taken out of context.

For a verb, one might have 6 different conjugations which TC just throws out there.

Adjectives, similiar.

Duo itself at least has dropdown on the words that give multiple translations when possible, but TC is black & what and 100% on what words have been highlighted in Duo at some point as ā€œnewā€ words.

I thought TC would be great for Germanā€¦ but it increases confusion.

Alsoā€¦ Duo/TC could include genders for nouns, the most difficult part of German and requiring flashcard style memorization, but they donā€™t and one has to learn genders seperately from the nouns which every discussion of learning German says NOT to do.

This I didnā€™t see in the list or comments ā€¦

Germanforenglishlearners ā€“ http://germanforenglishspeakers.com/

German.net ā€“ https://german.net/

German with Herr Antrim on Youtube is also quite helpful ā€“ https://www.youtube.com/user/MrLAntrim/featured


Iā€™m Anggoro from Indonesia.

In addition to Memrise, I use Duolingo, Deutche Welle and Goethe website. I mostly use Duolingo and Memrise. I use these two resources to build up my vocabulary list.

DW and Goether are additional resources which I use sometime, they provide grammar references and some other material.


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Themen Aktuell
the Deutsche Welle resources for learners
a few grammar books by Hueber and Klett

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Apart some of the ones already mentioned (Doulingo, Lingvist, DeutscheWelleā€™s resources, Clozemaster) hereā€™s one thatā€™s not been mentioned:
As I felt ready to put my German reading skills to test, I found this app for side-by-side reading of texts in source and target languages; I was also looking to read literature in German (even better, german literature) rather than news or technical articles or blogsā€¦


MƤrchen und ErzƤhlungen fĆ¼r AnfƤnger free e-book is not for complete beginners, but helps improve reading with fairly basic words. The stories are fairytale style :sparkles:
Can be read online or downloaded.

Part 2 if youā€™re a bit more advanced.


If you like that you might want to try these 2 for dual reading:



Vielen Dank, mikatu!

I donā€™t use an extension for this yet, but you can install extensions/addons in your browser to more finely control the playback speed.

This is one of the top results for Chrome for example:


I am using:
Deutsche-Welle podcasts
Coffe Break German podcasts

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Hey there! I would like to suggest www.germantogo.com :slight_smile:

I made the disastrous mistake of not learning genders with nouns originally, and now, at a more advanced stage, Iā€™m paying for it. Genders underpin the entire German grammatical structure, and without them, confusion abounds. Right now Iā€™m using German Grammar Spy ( iOS / [Android](Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=ie.jackkinsella.germanGrammarSpy) ) to drill the genders of the top 5000 most frequent nouns. The app also teaches the signals behind why a noun is one way or the other (e.g. words ending in -ung are usually ā€œdieā€) and it has an SRS system for scheduling reviews.

Disclaimer: I was involved with this project, but please donā€™t automatically discount it for this reason alone. If you compare its feature set with any other software out there for learning German genders, youā€™ll see that there are no other apps that i) focus on the rules or ii) order the words by frequency or iii) rely on professional translators. This was a passion project for me and I donā€™t foresee earning a penny from it.

It seems to be a nice app but itā€™s very laggy on my SG5 - 5 or so seconds at least from gender select to result. I donā€™t think my phone is running anything else crazy in the background (aside from email) and Iā€™m on a WiFi connection.

After a while you develop a feel for what the gender is. Same goes for plurals, or weak or strong verbs. The number one mistake beginners make is not buying a decent grammar book.

I use:

Sometimes I use:

To be honest I find that Memrise is all I have really needed to get to grips with most of my German vocab.

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To anybody who has reached a solid intermediate level I warmly recommend the childrenā€™s news program called Logo! Itā€™s broadcast daily, lasts under 10 minutes, and provides subtitles in German. Iā€™ve been watching it regularly for several months and find it does a great job of handling diverse subjects and showing current language usage. Not just for kids! From it I collect all kinds of anecdotes to tell my friends.
Iā€™d love some feedback on whether other people enjoy it, too.


I read the Kurier regularly, and had no idea that they have news in easy form. Itā€™s an Austrian news site, but from what I can see, there is no real austrian in the easy written news. And itā€™s not too easy like Nachrichtenleicht.de.
