What resources besides Memrise are you using to learn German?

I watch German films online use Closed Caption To help me thru what I don’t understand. Also read German books. Krimis, Zorn series videos. At first
it was jibberish but I now understand about half.

does it work?

I find Duolingo with Memrise work well together, esp since Memrise has the Comprehensive German Duolingo Vocabulary list. I’ve learned roughly 1500 words in that Memrise list. I think I’m three weeks shy of checkpoint six on Duo.

Since it’s a tree, should it be called branch six?

I use Duolingo to learn basic vocabularies and grammars, and another app called A1-Deutsch from VHS to practice writing and grammar, and the best thing is there’s a real tutor who is willing to correct my homework on the app for free. It doesn’t have a reminder kind of notification tho so you have to remember to check the app out to practice everyday. I also use GlotDojo as a Chrome extension to translate instantly on screen and watch many videos on youtube with dual subtitles, save me tons of time closing and opening new tabs for online translators.

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