What is happening with the items counter?

it just went down again with some 77 items… I don’t take memrise official courses (I just play with the Japanese and English for chinese speakers)

the last weeks this items counter constantly “ate” my progress … i “lost” hundreds of items, in fact more than 1000 this last month…(i’ve done in some of my private courses more than 1000 new items, and i’ve been learning in a chinese pod course some 400 items at least etcetc)

edit: since I first noticed this issue some 10 days ago, I started writing down the number of items learned, don’t tell me I did not pay attention, please, you keep my items counter down artificially

What item counter are you referring to?

Could you please provide us some screenshots? When you notice it going down again, some sort of before and after would be amazing.

Thank you.

the so called “words learned” counter now - that one that tells one how many items/words one learned. It keeps going down: after registering an increase immediately after learning new items, the second day or after a couple of hours, goes back again…

screenshots of my words counter ? my dashboard! I don’t want to see it happening again, but i’ll try to remember to take screen shots…

“items” used to be the “old” term for this one on memrise - but as some not-so-bright users did not (have the patience to) understand what “items” was about, the team decided to change it to “words” (which is silly… especially if you learn phrases/sentences/symbols etc)