What is a User Card?

I was on my Settings page and was updating my Preferences and clicked on Profile. Down on the bottom of the page it says User Card Background and User Card Badge. What does that mean?

     User Card Background Background
   images will be centered and have a default width of 590px. 

     User Card Badge

Can somebody help me? Also, please let me know if it doesn’t make any sense; I’ll try to be more specific!

The memrise team removed the possibility to write a little info about yourself a while back because it was being abused by some nasty sick people.

I guess this is what is “left” from the programming?

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Cool, thanks! I wasn’t sure if it was, maybe, for those with higher Memrise user privileges (those who pay versus those who don’t)? Anyway, I appreciate you helping me out.

Are you talking about on these forums or on the main website?

@neoncube I think it’s for the forum. I also don’t get why there has to be two user profiles (one for signing into Memrise and then one for the forums). It just makes me all tired, trying to remember what profile is for what and how to get into each one. :sleepy:

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Ah, interesting; I hadn’t noticed those options before.

Well, you could give it a shot and see what happens :slight_smile:

@JiminieVKook, @neoncube,

Yes, in your forum profile settings you can upload an image/gif (card) which will display behind the heading of your profile page. I have a still image and a gif. Here’s an example of one of mine:

If you want to see other people’s, clicking on a user’s avatar in the forum will display the heading of their profile page. Clicking again on that will open their profile. Not everyone has uploaded an image to decorate their profile. So far, it’s only the biography area from the learning website profile that has been temporarily closed down due to mis-use.

Sure thing! I guess it couldn’t hurt, huh? :wink:

Oh, okay. That makes sense, since there is a regular background for pictures right above the user card ones. Thank you!

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It looks like you’ve done it. :sunglasses: You can also upload something in the ‘profile background’ field.


I think the user card is the thing that pops up in the forums when you tap a profile pic. So tapping the profile pic of alanh will show a user card. The background of which is currently a gif of Sheldon (Big Bang Theory).

[I say tapping as I am in a tablet - it may be click or hover on a desktop]

Not sure why amanda-norrsken has been marked as the correct answer, as I think they are referring to a change on the main site - not here.


@jimnicholson Well, her answer sounded like a reasonable one until we figured out that the original poster was talking about the forums :slight_smile:


Here’s a definitive explanation from the Discourse people, who built the forum:



Thanks, you guys.
@jimnicholson I did click amanda-norrsken’s answer as the right answer, because as neoncube said, her answer sounded reasonable at the time. But since both amanda-norrsken’s and alanh’s answers answer the questions for both profile settings, I think that they both solved the problem, right? Anyway, the answer has been solved, for which I am grateful. Also, thank you for sharing your ideas and knowledge. They are always welcome. :slightly_smiling_face:
@alanh That link was helpful. I am still pretty new, so I probably didn’t look in the right places to answer my question. Thank you for that.


Woops, I was wrong, yes! I was just making a wild guess, anyway!

No worries. It’s all right. Everyone’s entitled to make mistakes sometimes (we are human, after all). Thanks for trying, though! :slight_smile:

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