What happened to EasyAcademy?

Why did it delete?

I was wondering what happened to it as well, it was renamed a few months back and now it is gone. :frowning:

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Hi @attebjorner & @tampora,

I did know that the main chap behind “Easy Academy” wanted to take time out.

His great courses are still available and supported by many Contributors (including me) and I had assumed someone renamed it “Community” (if I remember correctly).

It is now showing in the deleted supporter format - strange.

However there are many of us still around.

@Lien - please can you ensure that the many great courses created by “Easy Academy” and supported by may of us, remain undeleted.

It is now showing as @_del_Community._180418083233

Search within a language or subject then a key word of “Learn” to find them unless they pop up at the top of a list.


I hadn’t even noticed they had changed - I think the following courses were originally Easy Academy which I am supporting. There was a problem with memrise way back not accepting the synonym column which made the polyglot and other courses difficult. There have been more changes since then and I haven’t checked to see if this now works. (I had some time away from memrise and haven’t yet got back to these particular courses)
typing test - learn italian grammar

and - learn italian for polyglots

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Yes, it looks like Easy Academy may have deleted his account :open_mouth:

Here (for the record) are links to his Spanish courses that I am taking:

… and some time ago, he made me a contributor to this one (the other 5 listed contributors’ accounts are now showing as “deleted”):

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I am supporting 20 of Easy Academy’s courses - some more than others.

I see there is no easy way to search for all of them as the key word often changes from “Learn”, however they do often come up near the top of a search as they are popular courses.

If anyone wants to see which I am supporting, then have a look at all the courses I’m supporting https://www.memrise.com/user/DW7/courses/teaching/ and then do a computer search for “del_Com” on that page. [I am generally supporting three categories.]

PS I have just found that doing a global course search with the words “Easy Academy” seems to work!


I just noticed that myself today - and wondered if it’s deleted how could it still be showing? I have been a contributor since it was virtually handed over to me a number of months ago (namely the Learn French for Polyglots & and Learn French for Polyglots - No Typing). I know that there are other contributors also so I’m not trying to take any credit. I am currently actively going through the course and making edits because some phrases in the grammar were definitely incorrect (and others still are) and I am confident were not done by the creator but rather another contributor somewhere along the line.

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I am not confident but absolutely sure that the creator made the mistakes. EasyAcademy never learnt anything with memrise.

I’ve been a contributor to a Spanish course of his, I made more than 1000 corrections… he kicked me out, or I left, I am not sure anymore (and I was so happy with not being a contributor to his course) because I dared to criticise him and memrise … His courses are stlll full with mistakes… I do not really recommend them (his courses are copy-paste from various sources, I wonder if he thought he can make money with them)

these being said, memrise lost another prolific creator… not funny.


It appears I made a wrong assumption. It’s interesting to read your post and you obviously did a huge amount of work making corrections. I’m pressing on with corrections but can only be confident with changes I’m making (in the Grammar areas) after running through proposed changes with a Francophone friend. It’s going to take me a while so hopefully the courses will be preserved by Memrise. Thanks for your post Hydroptere.


I never saw any obvious mistakes in the German courses… not that they are not there or never were, but I think the tone makes it sound like he or she was clueless.

@DW7 But I worry not about the courses, I saw they still exist.
They have created a lot of groups in different languages and also separated them by level (begginer, intermediate, advanced, begginer to advanced). It was really convenient - join a group and you already get a lot of useful courses, which sometimes you can’t find by yourself.
When I needed to add one of these groups a few days ago I couldn’t find a group with list of all these groups and then I noticed that EasyAcademy have been deleted.
So I am just interested, is it able somehow to find these groups or do they desappeared forever? BTW, the group with the list of all groups is created by EasyAcademy, but a language group is created by Easy[name of language], for example Spanish groups are created by EasySpanish, Latin groups by EasyLatin, and so on.
P.S. I have found a link to arabic groups https://www.memrise.com/course/700724/arabic-groups/

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Hi @attebjorner, sorry I never used groups but I know they can be useful.

Just try those suggestions above for searching and keep looking.

On the courses I’ve been actively supporting, often (on the web) we have ended with a “What next?” level with suggestions for further study, which you may find helpful.

As the ‘delete’ option is inaccessible to contributors, ceased creator’s courses remain available.


Thanks for your reply @lien, I was hoping that!

PS I have cake :cake: against my name today!

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Well, I always wondered how EasyAcademy is able to create all those multiple courses with multiple language columns and if the author learned / speaks all of those languages on a higher level :slight_smile:

This PT BR course has 7170 words/phrases:

In the last 1,5 years I have not already completed all other 2000/3000/5000 and Intermediate/Advanced available PT BR courses on Memrise (e.g from BenWhately) but I have initially completed my PT BR Basic, PT1-7, DuoLingo PT BR (by MartinPen), DuoLingo.com EN-PT forward tree, etc.

And then there are those courses from jaimebrasil (>5000), bigger Portuguese European/Portugal courses, etc.

I probably will start some of the others first…just to be on the safe side.

Actually I do wonder how good the above PT BR Polyglot course with 7170 added “words” from EasyAcademy is without starting/previewing it?

Who is part of the contributor list and with what higher/native level of Portuguese (BR)?

Is it also full of 1000+ or remaining errors like your Spanish example?

I do agree with all of you that it does not make IMHO very much sense that a non-native / not very advanced proficient speaker creates courses not even reviewed my native contributors just by “copy and pasting” external resources (copyright?)

the jaime courses are better, if you do’t mind that ugly voice from forvo (pathg, or what’s her name). I don’t learn Brazilian anymore (habe urgent things on my plate), but I can tell you that it is very difficult to learn advanced brazilian (with audio!) on memrise (there are some good courses for French speakers, btw)

(in a pm you have a link, an intermediate/advanced, no typing, with lots of audio)

Congratulations with your 2 year forum anniversary!
It’s so nice to have you here, look forward to many more years of forum-fun :cake::pancakes::tada::balloon::confetti_ball::birthday::bouquet:


Hi Hydroptere,

thanks for your feedback and PN.

Nice to know!

I am kinda “satisfied” with DuoLingo PT BR TTS and Cooljingle’s “Audio Provider” user script also polls from time to time PT BR TTS (where a few words have no uploaded audio for some courses).

I recognized that there is now an “Override all audio” setting on the left when you start the learning/review session.
This might solve those issues if I do not like the (single") speaker Forvo.com audio :wink:

For all other PT BR courses and (mixed) uploaded audio files I do like them so far (nice to hear a few native recordings to DL TTS and Mondly); sometimes there are multiples audio records available.

Many thanks @Lien,

Congratulations with your 2 year forum anniversary! . . .

And three years before that on the previous forums, both those attached to courses and the two open forums (that have since been archived).

I’ve actually been learning five years on the memrise.com site (and perhaps the last three years I have been learning daily - but still no badge issued for that).


Well done on 5 years of memrise @DW7. I have been on Memrise on 2 years as of today :smile: