What does the number 17 in the picture signify?
The number shown when you mouse over a course’s progress bar shows the percentage of (un-ignored) items in the course that you’ve fully learned.
Sorry, I didn’t quite understand. What does that mean? I didn’t ignore or un-ignored anything in this course.
Also, each one of the courses in the list has it too but a different number.
It is the percentage of items you have learned sofar in the course.
If you have not ignored any items then it is calculated against the total number of items in the course.
So you have already learned 17 % for this course, still 83 % to go and complete the course.
Oh, I see now what he ment. Thank you both.
Interesting I do not see that on the web version but it does show me a progress bar and tell me how many out of how many words I have learned.
35 / 100 words learned
It’s the same for me @DW7. The percentage completed figure is not visible on my dashboard but I can view it if I go to the course homepage:
Ah, I get it. On the course page - not the homepage/dashboard. Same for me. Thanks, alanh. Btw, Im on Safari.
It looks like the screenshot is from the ‘Groups’ page. The percentages display there, too.
Ah! I didn’t think of that. I don’t use the groups function.
It is very useful for organizing your courses.
You don’t have to actually be in a group.
I also use it to create the top blue button with a script I wrote that shows me the number of reviews I have left in all the courses I’ve selected. Currently 1878.
Thanks for explaining. That looks like a useful aid to housekeeping!
Good luck with your 1728!
Excellent explanation, Casper_duo. This seems like a very useful feature for me.