What does "iégris" mean in french / Initiation au Verlan (French slang)

I seen it written as slang, but have no clue what it means.

Inconnu chez moi… à priori. Where did you encounter this word? Written, spoken?

I just clicked! In France we use a lot of “Verlan”, reversed for “à l’envers” :fireworks:
You mean here “grillé” or in Verlan “yégri”.

When you are grille, you can be found out or outwitted.

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I encountered it on the street, but I also heard it in a song.
“Complètement iégris
Et totalement aigris par une vie pourrie aux alentours de Paris”

Is the total context, what do you interpret it to mean. It is a type of slang you mean?

I guess he means that he is completely burnt out/finished.

It must be a french rap, who is the author/singer?