What do you want to make victims or warrios?

I have saw a campaing on facebook, TV etc about to fignt for equality. Is historically correct that women have been treat in a unfair way. But I feel sometimes like if they are traing to say “we women are a victims, let´s defend ourselves”.

Don´t get me wrong I think we have to fight in every single occasion we see injustice. But it´s also true that to make believe someone they are victims trying to find atacks where there aren´t any is not going to help.

For example in my native lenguage (spanish) Our dictionary said:

Weak sex: Refer to women.
Strong sex: Refer to men.

Then a lot of women encourage to others to ask for a change. Lot of women think this is ofenssive for they.

Scientifically the man is stronger. Obviously the concept is takling about force… but let´s see what happen with another concept:

Ugly sex: Refer to men
Beuty sex: Refer to women

This concep is obviously talking about external beuty, it´s not talking about internal, spiritual, etc. beauty. Here is the point, nobody is trying to “extend” this concept, we know what it refers about. But you can´t measure beauty!

What concept is wrong? someting scientifically proven or someting that depends on perception?

We have to fight for equality but in the process we don´t have make victims. We need to turn vitims in to warrios and not normal people in to victims.

Please forgiveme for my mistakes (I know there are a lot).

I’m not a fan of these types of topics. They don’t go anywhere.

And not to be rude, but I don’t think this belongs in the Language Quarters.


People can use these forums I think to try writing in the language they are studying. Maybe move it to one of the English categories @CarlosEliasCatedrale, or else to Off-topic?

Oh I´m sorry, like I was learning english I was just trying to improve my writing. I will delete the post if it dosen´t belongs here. My apoligies.

You’ve done nothing wrong. I’ve moved your topic to English (British) for you. Feel free to continue practicing your writing here or creating another topic.


there is nothing wrong with your message, save for the fact you’re throwing in the same basket very, very different things (subjective - objective, strenght - power, beauty, gender, etc; concepts “talking”???)… this makes it impossible to even try to formulate an articulate answer

if we restrict ourselves to the topic of “beauty” (vs. ugliness), you could try Umberto Eco (“On beauty”, respectively "On Ugliness)…

(I don’t really understand the title of the topic, “victims” are the opposite of “warriors” and vice versa???)


Equality and justice are different things.

Anatomically, physiologically and psychologically speaking, women and men are different. Women can do things men can not do, and vice versa. So, there is no point in women wanting to be like men, or men wanting to be like women. Women and men complement each other.

Equality is not fair, but justice is fair.
I don’t think that a woman who leaves her children alone, and goes to work is happy with this, even is she pretends to be happy. That’s impossible! I don’t have children, and I am not even married, but I’ve seen a lot of working women suffering a lot from their situation, and understand that the “pretended women rights” did not bring happiness to women.


No apologies needed on your side. I’m the one that should be sorry, for misinterpreting the intention of this post.
I highly encourage your desire to improve your writing! And hope this will be of benefit for you.
Also, don’t hesitate to ask someone here for help. Happy learning!

I don’t think @CarlosEliasCatedrale means that they’re opposite of one another. But I am also unable to fully understand what he meant.

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