Hey everyone, What do you enjoy doing online? I already asked what everyone’s favorite hobbies and books were but this is more like what apps you enjoy, learning apps, creative designing, website or even learning apps. I like using Canva to create designs and logos also I like using Google Docs to create stories and share them with friend and Duolingo, Memrise and Quizlet for learning. Please feel welcomed to write down you favorite apps also suggest some
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Since you mentioned Canva earlier, I began using it too, and it’s great! I love using it to design book covers for my stories!
I love to use Microsoft Word, and weirdly enough, Nameberry, an app full of baby name discussions. (I’m a bit of a name nerd)
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That’s great! Canva is pretty awesome, I usually make comics or logos but it would be cool to create book covers for my books. I used to use Microsoft Word too, it’s really good. Don’t worry I’m a bit of a name nerd too
I always go on baby name websites to look for unique names for my book characters
P.S. Sorry for the late response
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