WestJet City Codes by @trinaisakson

The WestJet City Code course is, unfortunately, not up to date and I wondered how I could submit additional cities for inclusion in the course.

Also, “Tuscon” should be spelled “Tucson” and should probably be changed.

Wonderful course and extremely helpful!!

Hi, you can contact the course creator and request for your changes to be included, if they have created a course forum for it, you can ask there. Unfortunatly not all course creators have found their way here.

If they have’t you could always ask for yourself to be made a contributor, so that you can make the changes yourself.

Many thanks!

I am really new to this site and wondered if there was a place I could go to contact the course creator. I can’t seem to find anything at all and would love to be pointed in the right direction.

Thank you!

Just to be clear is this the course that you are referring to- https://www.memrise.com/course/53259/westjet-airport-codes-2/

Yes - that is the course.

Ok, It seems that this user is not a member of this forum nor do they have a forum thread for this course.

Just so that you are aware if the person was a member of this forum and the course had its own thread, when you did a search it would show with [course forum] in brackets.

I am going to tag @Lien a staff member who may be able to hopefully contact this user and invite them here by email.

Thank you so much for your help! I really appreciate it.

Glad I could help.

Hi @aproulx51

Thanks for pointing this out.

As the course creator appears to be no longer active on Memrise, you have been added as a contributor to the Westjet Airport Codes course .

You should now be able to access the course’s editing tools via ‘Edit Course’, where you can correct existing entries and enter new ones.

I hope that’s helpful.

Best wishes,


Thank you and I love your vote of confidence!! LOL!!!

I will try to do it but be surprised only if you do not hear from me for
instructions or help on how to do it!!

Will have a go this evening or tomorrow and see how it turns out!



@aproulx51, please be a bit careful, by the way :slight_smile: For example, you probably shouldn’t mess around with changing settings in the database unless you’re careful, because doing so can delete everyone’s progress in the course.

If you stick to just changing the definitions of things, you should be fine, though. Not trying to scare you too much, just… be careful, please :slight_smile: