Web Question Colours changed/Kana vs Kanji answers

Sorry this is a little bit vague, but:

I have noticed over the past couple of days that when using the website to revise Japanese vocabulary in my custom courses, a couple of things have changed.

  1. Before, answers requiring an answer in kana would be one colour (say, yellow) and those requiring an answer in kanji would be another (say, blue). Now they all seem to be the same colour, which means the only way to tell the difference is to look closely at the question, which is time-consuming and a real pain when trying to revise a large amount of vocab.

  2. To compound matters, previously if I mistakenly entered a correct kana answer for a kanji question, I would get a message saying something like ‘That’s the answer in kana, we wanted kanji’, then I would have the chance to retype it. Now, it marks it as wrong with a ‘yellow’ (i.e. ‘almost’) type of answer, and then I have to needlessly revise the word just because I didn’t look hard enough at the question.

As this seems to have unexpectedly changed in the past 2-3 days, does anyone have any guidance about what’s causing it? Is it settings local to my custom courses, or is it a wider website issue?

Hopefully this makes sense to someone… Thanks!!

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Hi :slight_smile:

These bugs have been reported by some other people as well. I think most of the conversation about this is going on in a thread here

Ah, thank you. Nice to know it’s not just me!

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No problem! :slight_smile: