Web Bug: offers several correct solutions, only accepts one

When Memrise offers me the translation/solution on top, and several of the cues to pick from, it will only accept one of them as the correct answer, even if several of them are correct.
Example from a course for practicing the Czech declension forms (the level is for soft adjectives) - most of the solutions offered actually have ‘jarní’ as the correct form, but it will only accept 5 in this case. Essentially it’s testing if I’m psychic and know which solution it’s thinking about. As you see, I’m not… :sunglasses:

Your level contains 27 jarní’s in the same column.

Identical entries in the same column confuses our system. A way to prevent this is to make every entry in this column different e.g. by adding a different number or character to each of them.

not much I can do to change the language I’m afraid - it cannot be that unusual that several entries translate to the same word in a different language, even outside a grammatical structure like the one in the test here?

I would expect the tool to either check the solution provided after selection (instead of using a pre-determined entry), or, alternatively, only offer solutions which are different. The latter seems to happen if the translation is tested the other way round, where only unique foreign entries are being presented.

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