Web Beta Programme Feedback

I’ve tried to turn off Memrise labs today and have had no luck, it’s toggled on ‘No’ right now but I’m still getting the Beta version for some lessons and the old version for others.

I don’t mind the Beta version but one of my biggest irks right now is that I don’t get the written word when I get a question right, even though I answer it right it’d still be really helpful for me to see the word written to check I have the spelling correct and familiarise myself with it more, right now when I get something right I just get the below screen then it automatically moves on.


Hi and welcome to the forum,

In your settings, (the ‘Profile’ area), there is a “The new Memrise experience (Beta)” box that needs yo be unchecked. Before they made the change today, you only needed to toggle off the ‘Memrise Labs’ button in the “Learning” area.


Thanks @alanh

Feedback re ‘Learning with locals’

In the current version, when you get the order of ‘jumbled words’ right, they indicate by turning green – in the new Beta version, this doesn’t happen. Please please please re-allow this. It acts as a very useful learning tool – and in languages like Portuguese (which I am learning), where speakers often elide whole words, it is essential.

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Are you doing away with the measure at the end of the session where it tells what percent you scored right? I think I’d rather see that retained. Also on the classic review there’s now a lot of audio only prompts that say a German word and all I have to do is type it, where it used to give me the English word looking for the German word. The current set up doesn’t even ask me what the word means! I prefer the harder, previous, setting. Also too many multiple choice which I dislike for the same reason.

It’ll take some getting used to the new graphics, but I think I’ll like it. I like that you’re trying something different with it.

I do like that you took away the timer on the classic review. I always found that irritating, like when something comes up that I have to attend to and I have to either wait until the current round of words are done or just forfeit a chance at getting the answer right because I can’t drop everything and come back to it without the timer running out on me. So that’s a definite improvement.


I hate it! I’ll be turning it off as soon as I work out how to do it.
It makes it much easier with so many multiple choices.
It was bad enough when you started giving us the letters underneath, but this is far worse.
I want to have to think, not play a stupid game.


On the web version of the reviews, the literal translation no longer appears. You can compare it on the official course of Japanese. When you are “Learning new words” on the ios app, wheneever they ask you to answer, whether you answer right or wrong they show you the literal translation/furigana:

In memrise Web, with the new beta, the app only shows the correct reading when you answer wrong, and I think that hampers with the learning process.

This happens in all of the review forms, not only on the Learning, but also on the Review and Quick Review, the old version shows you the correct reading when answering correctly, where as the new version does not show you anything, just says correct.

Please fix this! You are forcing some users to only use the mobile version, because thankfully mobile still retains the old functionality.


I use the classic review a lot and the Beta version has certainly become a lot more interactive. However, when studying Mandarin, the new version removes the constant prompting about tones. The old version, after you answer, even correctly, the pinyin with the tone numbers flashes on the screen. It is super useful for studying a tonal language and it is a bit sad to see it gone. I can’t get the same utility out of classic review without it.


Hello! I like this site very much and started learning several years ago and even reached the Membrain status, that’s why I’m really sorry that that very old design changed(( Trying to gain more scores to reach just another digit gives less motivation now(( So, you see, I always take innovations very hard, and now I feel uncomfortable in the new design. I would like to know whether finally we will have to use the new design only or we will always have access to the old one like now? My main concern about this new Beta is…where are the mems which I selected to help me remember some words? I noticed for sure that those I selected for some words are not shown any more…Is it temporarily or they were really abolished forever? And I do not see the button “Help me to remember this word” at all…I could only find it in the old Alpha version today…I’m worried and stressed :rofl: Please, give me some hope:-/


I don’t see my "mem"s after I get an answer wrong in classic review anymore. That makes it a lot harder to remember things.

The UI looks more modern but when a question has multiple choices, they take up so much of the page I have to scroll to see all my choices. That’s super annoying.


I am older (70) and have a hard time reading Hebrew and Classical Syriac as well. The new layout is nice, but I can’t make the letters or words big enough to be usable for me. Will this be a problem throughout the new experience? If so, it will no longer be a website that I can make use of. I like the design per se, but a pretty design doesn’t benefit learning if one can’t make out the words!

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alpha version have 2 problem:

  1. for review, time of between 2 word is very short. it need a delay, because after see answer, I listen to pronunciation, then repeat its. but now I can’t repeat, next word appear.
    please correct!!

  2. in learn new words or review words, when learn finishing, result appear.
    but now don’t exist “difficult word option marker”. It’s very bad. I always use its.
    please add “difficult word option marker”, Like previous version.

Numeric keypad doesn’t work for selecting answers in multiple choice tasks. This happens in the beta version in classic review mode.

Another issue: in the tasks where you have to choose an audio recording, pressing the same digit again confirms the choice. But what if I just want to listen to the same audio once more? In the old version, you had to press Enter to confirm the choice, and I think that it is better this way.

One more issue: in the old version, after selecting the correct answer, it is possible to press Enter to immediately move to the next task. But this doesn’t work in the beta version.

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I have a couple of pieces of feedback. First, there is a problem with Japanese IME (specifically google’s IME) suggestions sticking around after the text input box has disappeared. This has always been a problem but now occurs every time the box disappears instead of only happening once in a while.

Second, when reviewing there is now a listen and type what you hear, I hope an option to disable this (without disabling all audio questions) can be added because it increases my srs rating on words even if I don’t know what they mean. It’s not difficult for me to type what I hear for words I don’t know.

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Used the beta “Learn new words” for the first time (?) today, for learning Russian.

I like the added listening tests (if audio version of a word is available),
but why-oh-why were the typing steps eliminated, to learn the spelling of the word??


Hello - in the new Beta the Tibetan Language keyboard layout is very confusing now.

Tibetan letters stack, so for most letters there are two versions, the “normal” for if that letter appears on top, and the “attached” version, which shows a dotted circle over a smaller version of the letter, for when that letter appears as the lower portion of a stacked character.

In the old keyboard, the “normal” and the “attached” version of each letter were aligned, so that the “attached” version would appear immediately below the “normal” version.

In the beta keyboard, it has a different width, so the alignment is off and as a result the characters are just kind of spread out, with a bunch of blank tiles visible in between, in a way that makes it much slower to find each character.

I think this could be fixed by changing the width of the keyboard back to fixed-width (is it reactive now?), or if it is fixed-width now then by adjusting the “blank” tile count to restore the alignment. Or by careful support for a language that probably isn’t in your platform’s top-10, so i get it how this would slip through the cracks.

So to put it as a user story i guess, “As a user of the Tibetan Point-And-Click keyboard, I want the two version of each character to appear vertically aligned similar to how they used to, so that I can spell words quickly and accurately.”

thank you!

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The new “Classic Review” no longer works well for Chinese languages. Specifically, the type of question which plays the audio of the word and asks the user to type in the definition doesn’t work for Chinese words, as the same audio/pronunciation can refer to any number of words. Without any context, the audio alone isn’t enough to tell the user which word is being referenced. Can this be reverted to the previous classic review, where a word was shown and the user needed to type in the definition?

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Everything is really big for my screen. I zoomed out to 50% to get all of the multiple choice answers on the screen without scrolling, which then made the print super small. I also prefere recall-only classic reviews.


My account was switched over to the beta today and now I’m getting multiple choice instead of typing the answers. I’m using Memrise to practice my typing and spelling so I get absolutely nothing out of it by selecting from word lists and multiple choice. I have disabled the beta for now, but I assume once it goes live there will be no way to turn it off. I love Memrise but if this becomes a permanent feature then you will have killed it for me. Please make this optional so that we can type the answers when doing a review.


Salut, Team Memrise! Somewhat liking the direction… even if it’s a tough shift, because it’s hard to unlearn some bad habits learned from the old version of the app.

I am liking the approach to learning being the same six steps, but a lot more split up; in the quite literal interpretation of the sense, in how it’s usually done for 3 times! Not sure if that’s because I am set on Advanced learning instead of Standard but hey.

Something about it, though, is that it looks to be impossible now to not leave a learning session without progressing 3 to 4 steps in “learning” a word. It’s somewhat appreciatable, mostly in the subtle elements of the progress bar bouncing back (a la Duolingo), but there was a lot to be gained from how the old system would legitimately penalize making multiple mistakes as a result of maybe rushing through or not taking enough time (or just hold your learning off, depending on one’s outlook), no matter how long the phrase. I kind of wish this would be restored, because the added challenge and ability to go back to something difficult later would help a lot in user experience. It feels a lot less “cheat-y” than just exiting the session or temporarily ignoring a word, at least, that’s for sure!

Thanks for listening! Can’t wait to see the final product.