Web Beta Programme Feedback

I like the new design. Nevertheless a few thoughts…
The Phrase which tell me what to do is written in a larger size than the words I want to learn.
In my opinion it should be the other way round.
Also would it be easier to read if the fields were white instead of the same color like the background.
The yellow point with the speaker in it, don’t need to be that huge and the animation while speaking is rather distracting with that size.
In my selfmade courses I attribute to every word to learn a matching picture.
I would prefer if this pictures were displayed instead of the yellow point.

I like the “no timer” feature in normal review mode, it gives me more time to answer more correctly. Usually I messed up and misswrote it.
Maybe a little less gap in between bars like the options and the question word or expression to answer, but I’m sure this will polished in further updates.
I like the new outlook. Keep up the good work.

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Yup, I can confirm this, especially annoying when reviewing Difficult Words and it tells you to write the characters and then deletes what you’ve just written. I suspect this is the case for all languages where you use an IME.

Edit: Upon further testing, it seems to only occur in Japanese courses where answers in romaji, hiragana and kanji are accepted. It plays the audio and shows the word complete before you have a chance to finish writing it.

The new interface is quite beautiful, and I’m so grateful that the audio is played for missed questions on speed review, which did not happen before. However, I don’t like all the “space” that has been added in this new version. An improvement of spatial efficiency was needed, but as many users have pointed out for specific instances, it would be great if everything could be scaled down. By far my biggest complaint, though, is the missing mem feature! I am blown away that it’s not only gone, but not even important enough to be listed in the “known limitations” list. The mems are literally the only reason I use memrise as opposed to any other SRS. It’s not a big deal for me for Germanic and Romantic languages, but it’s practically vital for, say Japanese. I’m definitely going to abandon memrise for something more targeted for JP if the mems don’t come back.


New interface is so garish and ugly, can’t stand to look at it any longer.

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I use mems heavily for Korean.


I would like to mention that I don’t like that the flower icon moves every time you enter a good answer. It’s very distracting. I also don’t really like the designs themselves, the flowers don’t look too “flower-y”.

It looks good, that’s one definite positive. The patronising “go you!” at the end of a session is cute too.

The new audio tests, on the other hand…I started up a (self-created) set of Japanese vocab. The first word it decides to throw at me is 雛僧 which is, admittedly, on the obscure side, but then again it’s my list. The “audio question” only reads out the 雛 part. That’s a bit like someone learning English who has just learned the word “hyperactive” and the audio stops at “hyper”.

And without mems, as has already been pointed out, it’s not “Memrise”, it’s just “rise”, as in “getting a rise out of the people who use it”. If the final version of this (which will presumably replace the current version) doesn’t have the capacity to create mems, then I’ll bet that I won’t be the only person heading out the door without looking back.

Hi @jantelagen1973 and @beccajr - thanks for the feedback. Mems are a part of Memrise! They are going to be part of the product going forward. We’re going to work on introducing an improved version of them into the Beta learning sessions over the next few months.


Hi @DW7 - which learn or review mode did this happen in?

The web Beta algorithm that determines test types is different to the previous one, based on many users expressing a preference for more typing tests. Some additional information here on what influences test types in case it’s of interest. The content being learned also influences the test types shown and the ordering of them. Community (User Generated Content) courses will have a different proportion of test types in to official Memrise courses, because they generally have less audio and don’t have video content.


Thanks @Adam_Memrise, I’ve just put Web Beta on again (I had turned it off) for some reviewing of two Community-created courses with images.


I think I understand what you are saying, on Classic I get given the choice of 1 from 8 next time (after miss-typing) but on Beta I get typing next time, then after another failed attempt, I get a choice of 1 from 4 alternatives.

I guess that is acceptable.

@Adam_Memrise PLEASE IGNORE this reported difference.

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Why does a single Standard Review in the browser version now complete my 15 minute daily goal? It’s not even close to 15 minutes worth of work. Previously it would have taken two to three reviews.

A lot of the boxes on my laptop just look too big for the window. Also in the case of the questions where there are multiple boxes to choose from the numbers are a light grey and difficult to read which slows down my selection of the answers. Finally upon finishing a review there’s an awful lot of clutter on the ‘review complete’ page.

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On the ones in the “difficult” section, the answers are already showing! It’s hard to go through the thought process and learn when the answer is already showing. That whole section is completely ruined now.

Another problem is when I click to the next one, it often says it’s already wrong before I even get started. So some easy ones go into the difficult bin, but since the difficult section is already ruined in the Beta section by showing the answers, it’s a moot issue until the problem of answers showing gets resolved.

I really need to turn off the Beta section because of these issues, but when I uncheck the box, I’m still in Beta. I hope my paid subscription is being prorated during this disaster.

When I get an answer wrong it doesn’t show me why anymore. That feature was extremely helpful in the earlier version. To just tell me it was wrong but not show why is an awful way to “teach”. It is rather a basic teaching principle. Please bring that back.


I agree. Showing what was missed was an extremely valuable feature. Hopefully they’ll allow an option to go back to the old Memrise. The old Memrise was worth its weight in gold and was a bargain. If there isn’t an option to go back to the old version, I’m going to ask for a prorated refund. This is a bait and switch to absolute garbage.


Hi @SmokeyIX, I think you need to turn off in two places. (Beta and Labs - from memory.)


Has it been pointed out that on the Web Beta I am getting the issue that courses with multiple images are not allowing us to rotate to see them all either when being tested or when getting it wrong?

But is good that it seems that we are tested on different images at different times - even if it is hard to learn them all, only learning by guess work or trial and error.

(► I’ve reported this issue with the App ◄)

(Also a slightly ► similar issue ◄ occurred with Web Alpha.)

THE thing that set you apart from other language-learning apps was the Mems. Please bring them back.


So far I’m not too keen on the changes. The older version feels more challenging. With the Beta version the Classic Review is more like the Learn New Words, with a lot of multiple choice and drag and drop options. The older version of Classic Review is primarily free spelling which I prefer.


That sounds great! I hope this new algorithm remains.


I tested it and I am still not happy with the algorithm because sometimes it still shows me a multiple choice item even though I am able to type the correct answer. That’s why I think the first repetition should always be a typing item if possible. It just feels suboptimal.

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