Web Beta Programme Feedback

Please please please keep the typing function and add an opt-out for the multiple choice function. Multiple choice makes it just waaay too easy!!


memrise writing: choose a mem to help a remember.
but how? I again don’t remember word and never I don’t see mem until again I do wrong.

please help me for mems.


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Here’s one.

I found an issue that could be fixed while doing classic reviews of Japanese vocabulary:

In the typing questions, once I type the correct answer or select the correct characters, the text box becomes green and the “I don’t know” button becomes green and changes to “Correct.”

Then, I either click the “correct” button or hit enter on my keyboard to move to the next question.

However, the result of this last action is that the question becomes white/yellow again (no longer green), and I have to click the yellow “Check” button or hit enter again. Then it becomes green again, and then I can hit enter or click “Correct” and finally move to the next question.

So, for example, to move to the next question, I have to: type answer + hit enter + hit enter + hit enter.

Hello, I’ve been using Memrise for quite a while now and it has been very useful so far. The one thing I thing that I think is missing is the audio. When I make a course it doesn’t automatically add an audio for the pronunciation. Of course, there is an option to record the pronunciation for a word but in general it won’t be very understandable or one might make a mistake while pronouncing the word. Before I used memrise I used another app which included the audio automatically, but because of a new update it made it hard to learn new words. So maybe you could do something about the audio function. Thank you.

Hi @Xigua_May,

I’ve successfully used the Google Chrome Memrise Audio Uploader for adding audio clips in bulk to my Spanish and German courses.

I think it would also work for Japanese, and should allow you to automatically load up audio clips to an entire level at a time.

The Audio uploader is very easy and quick to add to the Chrome browser - here’s the link.

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Hey @ian_mn,

Thanks for the tip. I use another browser then google, but luckily it worked on this one too. Thank you very much.


After choosing one word more from the given words (in the lower section), the remaining words move more down what makes it more difficult to click them quickly by a mouse.
In the 1st picture “minore” is at the height of the flower and in the 2nd one is already much lower.

Besides I can’t accept the answer by “enter”, I have to use the mouse.

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The 2nd picture (see my previous post).

Continuing the discussion from New Beta Programme Feedback:

I use Memrise for Chinese, and when it asks for you to type the characters, the system accepts the answer as correct when just the Pinyin has been typed. Then it auto goes to the next question and doesn’t show the correct characters because it thinks you got it right. In the pre-beta version, the system waited for the correct characters to be chosen before auto-accepting the answer as it should.

I wonder if this thread is still being read but here goes:

In speed reviews, I like to go as fast as I can (speed review duh) so I hit enter after I hit the right word to go the next one. Doing this however also interrupts the audio bit, and quite often I won’t hear the pronunciation of the word at all. (It was like this in the old version too.) It would be cool if the audio finishes even while I’m already on the next word, so that every time I train it I also hear it. To me it wouldn’t be a problem if this means that the audio from two different answers get layered.

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mems aren’t useful now.
solution: add mems button for every words in “review section”.

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Hi - thanks for sharing your feedback. Today there was a new version released that increases the proportion of typing and reduces the amount of multiple choice.

I hope that is helpful and improves the experience. Do try it and let us know.


It’s a lot better now.

It’s actually usable now, however, every now and then, those annoying “Choose what you hear” questions still appear:

They were never part of the old Classic Review and you should keep it that way. Seriously, if I didn’t know that “Vais” means “You (all) go” (plural), I would have no idea. I wouldn’t have learnt anything. When doing Classic Review, I’m looking to be challenged in terms of what I can remember, not what I can hear. We’ve got Listening Review mode for that!

If you won’t remove it, then at least make it so that it only gives you those tests for words/phrases with which the user has an excellent learning history. So only words/phrases that I’ve never/almost never got wrong will use that audio test.

Also, I think someone else might have mentioned it, but I really miss the feature that would have you spell out a word if you got it wrong. That really helped. I’ve always found that writing or spelling out words makes it easier to learn them as it is then being encoded in your muscle memory as well.

Right now, if you fail to choose/spell out the right word, you’re just shown the word, then it goes on.


Hi Adam,
There were a lot of comments about including multiple-choice questions in the classic review. Can you please explain the product logic behind this decision, why do you think they are better than having only typing questions for the learning experience?


After typing a wrong answer, I see the the word once again and the correct answer - but I don’t see my wrong answer anymore. I’d like to still see it - sometimes it was just a typo or some small mistake.


I re-tried the Beta. In the Speedreview: the hearts did not come back when I started getting answers correct, I find the screen size too big to fit onto my laptop screen, it did not give me enough time to think about the answers. I prefer the original. Thanks.

Dear Memrise Team,

I could choose a daily goal with 5, 15 or 30 words. Would it be possible, that we get also 10 words? Its already better with the typing, tests, thank you very much! But I wouldn’t mind, if there were no multiple choice questions at all :slight_smile:

I think of the two speed reviews, I prefer the horizontal timer bar of the Beta to the double rising columns.

I also prefer the layout and appearance of the Beta.

But having said that, I personally avoid the speed reviews as foreigners are willing to repeat and give us time, appreciating we are trying to speak their language.

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