Web Beta Programme Feedback


I agree with these comments I do understand that learning can be enhanced with humour but the video footage gets a bit annoying after a while. The new system does not allow ‘heart regeneration’ (as someone else described it). This was always a useful feature because often you could type in a word which would be a synonym and lose a heart because it was not the exact word the system was programmed to respond to. eg forstå and skjønne are both Norwegian words meaning ‘understand.’ There are many such examples which makes it likely you will make a wrong selection and without the ‘heart regeneration’ feature it is difficult to achieve 100% scores

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One small additional note - at the end of the Speed Review session new results screen doesn’t provide and indication of unreviewed words left.


[Resolution] This has been updated, so that the Enter key once again functions to submit an answer or move to next test once an answer is submitted.


The points awarded for completing the Speed Review are out of all proportion to the mental effort required!
Having come to the end of a course and not wishing to progress to the next over the Christmas period, I took rather more Speed Reviews than normal. It’s amazing how many points I earned (in the short time my wife made breakfast) - just flicking through the questions early on Monday morning with so little thought process . The result is that I was catapulted to the top of the leader board at the start of the week. Not my normal place – I much prefer to languish in the corner at the back of the class. I don’t think it reflects the learning process I’ve been through to achieve this distinction.
Please review the points allocation process for the speed review.


sometimes a course contain some wrongs (wrong meaning, wrong voice).
add a option “report” with “comment” for every word. by it, creater of course, can see wrong word and edit its.

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:arrow_up: you may be interested in this thread :arrow_down:.

Request: Possibility to report errors directly


Hi @kudashevs - have you turned off the Beta setting in https://app.memrise.com/settings and the Memrise Labs (Alpha) setting in https://app.memrise.com/settings/learning? Both need to be turned off to revert to the traditional versions of modes. By doing that, you won’t access the opt-in Alpha version or have new modes appear when they are promoted to the Beta version.


Beta is better, except one thing - on Japanese course speed review, there is no readings of the kanji, which is a big minus. That means we are only memorizing it visually, and that is not good. Is there a possibility to fix this?
Thank you

@Sonja_Vidovic56 Thanks for raising this issue. We’ll add this to the fix list.


Very nice to be able to deactivate the timer and not to need a script anymore.
How can I hide the letters under the answering box? Too much help, and it’s hard not looking at it :slight_smile:

Hi @Scones24,

This should help you:


Thank you!

A post was split to a new topic: Streaks - Points vs words

I may be wrong, but based on my memory of courses seen, if one adds special characters to your own course it can not add the suggested characters.

I’ll investigate further and either update or delete this post.

Can anyone confirm this?

That’s correct.


The new beta for Learn with Locals isn’t working properly on Safari on the Mac. (Safari 14.0.1, MacOS 10.14.6). Most of the time the play button remains while the video is playing. Here’s an example from Spanish 6.

Hi there, it seems that the new speed testing doesn’t allow numeric keyboard input.

Also as a request it’d be great for longer sentences to have a longer time to guess. Such short times with words are fine but with long complex sentences it can be difficult.

Also korean characters are showing up quite small.


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sometimes, i want find a word into course but there is not a search input for it.
I want ignore a word, but I cant find its into 2000 word in a course. its difficult.
please add search input into course.


If you are a Contributor you can search, otherwise the only two options I know are:

  1. ignore the word first time you come across it (thus saving learning it and revising it) or

  2. laboriously looking through a course, level by level. This is a lot easier if it’s single words arranged alphabetically.


There’s another way: the word list tool. Using the tool you can quickly generate a list of all words in a given course, along with the name of the chapter. This way you could identify the level the word is in and then ignore it.

I posted more info and instructions here: