We’d love to get your opinion about a new feature!

Dear Spanish learners!

We’ve been working on a new feature and we’re really excited about showing it to you and to hear what you think about it. If you’re up for it, we’d just ask you to head over to the survey (you’ll have a sneak peek of the feature there with examples for complete beginners)). Filling it out will only take two minutes, and your thoughts will be super helpful and valuable to us. Muchas gracias :slight_smile:

Ángela, Spanish Language Specialist at Memrise


Hola Ángela,

Feedback submitted.

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Thanks @alanh!



@angileptol, I’d suggest you also post the link to the survey. The screenshots/pictures are just too small in the (forum-) embedded version. This applies to all the threads where you or your colleagues posted this.
Being one of the users who have been asked to participate via email - is there any difference in the new survey? Is there different ones for different languages?


Have submitted feedback

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