I was wondering if there was a way to type in this characters using English keyboards? At present it seems like there is mostly digital buttons, and less physical key presses.
I use MS IME a lot and it works quite well. But I don’t know how type the symbols for long vowels ( like a long dash) neither know how to write the little version of ‘tsu’ to indicate a shorter vowel. Does anyone know?
Ok, I just found out. To write little hiragana simply type an l first. The other keys I mentioned can be reached using - and ~ (ß and ° on a german keyboard).
I will assume you have installed the Japanese IME on your pc. (If not, https://www.tofugu.com/japanese/how-to-install-japanese-keyboard/). In Windows 10, a language icon will show on the bottom of your screen. (I often have to click on the Japanese icon to make input mode use Hiragana.
- You can use the “alt + caps” to switch back and forth from Japanese to English. You can also use the <windows key + space> to switch between languages.
- to type the small half-height characters, there are two ways to do that: (using the Windows IME and enabling Japanese keyboard)
- For example, to type “chotto”, you type “cho”, which gives you ちょ, then hit the ‘t’ key twice then type the rest of ‘tsu’, for っつ. So, ちょっと,
- You can also type an ‘x’ just before the ‘tsu’, to get the ‘half-height’ effect. Using xtsu and tsu: っつ. In that case you have to type both the characters.
I am still learning myself. There are other short-cuts but these are the main ones. If you find others, please add them. (There’s probably some web page that has everything but I haven’t found the like yet.) Thanks.
Hello @pfs32
See if you can use alt + tilde - it’s the key to the left of “1” - to switch between Hiragana and alphanumeric. It works for me.
Hello @rgrafint
To type " ー " I use the - key (left of the equals key).
For example:
I type: “o” + “-” + “ke” + “-” + space. IME outputs “オーケー”.
Thanks. That works for me also on Windows 10. That was a major irritant. Thanks, again!
Press the Alt and “~” keys (the tilde key left of the “1” key) to quickly switch between English and Japanese input . If you have a Japanese keyboard , you can simply press the 半角/全角 key, also located left of the “1” key. Press the F7 key after you type something to quickly change it into Katakana!
You’re right. I was using the numpad minus to get quite the same however it wasn’t working…
I had the issue with a few case like in : やった-!
which is found in Japanese 0 chapter 5 (https://www.memrise.com/course/2020826/japanese-0/5/)
Reason being that if you use the minus mark on the numpad you’d get this Unicode character:
- full width hyphen-minus (65293)
Instead of
ー katakana-hiragana prolonged sound mark (12540)
You’re post helped me fixing the problem, thanks