I created a Japanese vocabulary course yesterday and wanted to activate the tapping test option (English Prompt, Japanese Sentence). I edited the sentence to add spaces for separate words and particles. However, Memrise instead made each character to be tapped.
Is there a way to prompt Memrise to bundle these into words? For example “その子は指で十数えました。” split into “その” “子は” “指で” “十” “数えました” “。” for testing instead of single characters which is far too difficult and tedious.
I struggled with something similar a long while ago. I think I wanted to not have my long (Chinese) sentences with no spaces break over multiple lines (or maybe I used random non-letter Unicode icons) – like they do not in the middle of English words. That you can’t effectively search the database using Japanese is I think also related.
I think it’s because the characters are encoded in Unicode or something, and there is no indication where to break for a line-break, so it just breaks wherever it feels like. I think only Memrise can fix this, but perhaps they don’t know how to fix this particular problem and it doesn’t seem like it affects a lot of people. Perhaps when they get a clue on how to fix the database search, they might also get an inkling on how to ‘fix’ this. I’m not sure it’s a bug though, because you do want the words to break wherever, in the case of Japanese.
@Arete_Hime, I think Charles is asking how to make it so that characters are grouped in the tapping test, so that users don’t have to click each letter during the tapping test, but can instead click groups of characters.
Anyway, I’m afraid I don’t know of a way to do this. I kind of doubt that it’s possible without Memrise implementing support for it, which I doubt they will do.
Romaji is evil and should never be used outside of testing Kana knowledge directly. On a serious note, I agree this is likely a “Memrise staff” fix. Not a game ender, but I liked the idea grouping words and particles together when testing people. I might do some tests later to see if I can make some workaround.
@neoncube , well considering all they have to do is change the code to accept block of unicode characters between spaces as one group, it shouldn’t be that hard to do so long as they’re willing. Useful for Korean, Chinese and Japanese at the very least.
The problem is that it was mentioned in several topics that they really don’t have time for anything. I think it was something about the team being quite small and already not having enough time to do what they want to do. It might also be that the code is messier than we think and that even a “small change” requires a lot of digging into the code to make sure not to break anything else.
I guess even “small fixes” for us can actually take “too long” for the Memrise team… We just have to wait and see if they can find time to fix this I guess.
Thank you. I messaged him on his blog about it. I get the feeling this is due to being kana only. While not perfect, it’s far better than romaji so I’ll consider it for the grammar course I’m going to put together.
I would like to know this answer as well. Memrise makes it very difficult to test properly when the timer is way too fast. No one has time to type out each character or to fully comprehend a sentence with the timer going so fast, especially when you are a beginner.